Global Warming Scam

by read good books 105 Replies latest social current

  • hamilcarr

    and I am not going to chase down every source before I post them.

    You'd better doe.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    John Doe speaks on global climate change :-) I can see the appeal of ^c^v for someone with your limitations
    Nobody needs to accuse you of bullshit - how you are not embarrased is beyond me.

    Exactly what are my limitations and what are you basing your assessment on?

    Here's a hint for you, your reaction and reaction of others after I posted the article is a clear indication that this was a bitch fest and not a place for constructive discussion.

    With that said, yes the article did not mention primary sources and therefore is not very credible. Is it also inaccurate? I have no idea. Somehow, however, I have a stong hunch that if the article I posted had affirmed global warming yet lacked source information, people would have been singing its praises. Why? Because of the unreasonable nature already demonstrated on this thread.

  • besty

    John Doe admits his cut and paste article is 'not very credible' - but still has no idea or interest in its accuracy.

    John Doe being asked to substantiate his 'not very credible' article is a 'bitch fest'

    I have posted primary source basic research on Page 1 and you have <finally> admitted to pasting without thinking.

    The 'reaction' on this thread is a simple attempt to get a climate change denier to verify their claims with basic research, not baseless trash from the media.

    Are you going to publically retract that cut and paste post? Yes or no.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    John Doe being asked to substantiate his 'not very credible' article is a 'bitch fest'

    Nope, not what I said. That's a strawman.

    I have posted primary source basic research on Page 1 and you have <finally> admitted to pasting without thinking.

    I did not admit to posting without thinking. Once again, a strawman, and furthermore, completely irrelevant.

    Why would I retract the article?

  • besty

    'Cuz in your own words its not very credible.

    Don't cut and paste 'stuff' you are not prepared to substantiate.

    End of lesson.

    Or - we could have some constructive discusssion on the subject matter of the thread?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    'Cuz in your own words its not very credible.
    Don't cut and paste 'stuff' that doesn't agree with me.
    End of lesson.

    Fixed that for you.

  • besty

    The first sentence in the document you pasted was:

    In November 2008, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, and one of the four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that October 2008 was the “hottest on record

    Without expressing an opinion on it, I have asked you repeatedly to substantiate the initial premise of the document.

    You have refused to do so, and subsequently admitted that the document was 'not very credible' - be my guest to paste 'stuff' that I may or may not agree with - but be prepared to be called on it in future - this time you were evidently not prepared.

    The trouble with this type of bullshit posting is that it propogates around the internet many months and even years after being completely debunked, thanks to thoughtless morons that will cut and paste to their hearts content.

    Likewise read good books, Moshe, coffee_black, black sheep and any other hit and run cut and pasters.

    Do you have anything else to add on the subject of climate change?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Do you have anything else to add on the subject of climate change?

    A tacit admission that I added something before.

  • besty

    Even idiots can get to 7549 posts - ask me how!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Wow, I've progressed from moron to idiot.

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