Global Warming Scam

by read good books 105 Replies latest social current

  • Gregor

    Besty is trying get this question settled right now! Come on! No more unverifiable rhetoric. What do you think this is, a chat room? We need facts and figures, goddamn it!

    And Beks has a clear vision of what the world is all about...the good guys vs the bad guys. Lefties fighting the Righties. Of course, the lefties hold the moral high ground against the cold hearted, greedy righties.

    You both have dissapointed me. Looks like I have no choice but to set fire to a pile of old tires. Don't make me do it!

  • besty


    Gregor: all I'm asking is for some primary source basic research evidence that can stand up to scrutiny. The more you say the more untenable your position appears - just post some evidence.


    John Doe


    same goes for the above named....<drums fingers for the 2nd day>

  • beksbks

    Yep, comin' around the turn in the last lap, it's Besty with Beks close behind. Holding the high ground in the name of Lefties everywhere. Watch out there Gregor, looks like your car is aflame, and about to blow.

    If you're reeeeeally interested in emphysema or lung cancer, go ahead and light those tires. On the other hand I know where you live, and I may have to call the environment gestapo.

  • Gregor

    all I'm asking is for some primary source basic research evidence that can stand up to scrutiny. The more you say the more untenable your position appears - just post some evidence

    LOL. I am not your research assistant, I don't cast pearls before cult zealots, been there and done that. We both know you are being disengenuous. It's your game and I'm afraid you are going to have to play with yourself.

  • John Doe
    John Doe


    this is the first I've checked on this thread since I posted that article, and I'm a little surprised to see you calling me out in bold. First of all, I made no claims regarding the veracity of the article or whether I support it. I was merely offering a view I came across elsewhere. If you actually care and wish to research the claims, then be my guest. Frankly, I couldn't care less. I have enough actual problems to worry about.

  • besty
    I am not your research assistant,

    thankd goodnes as your repertoire is limited so far to Michael Crichton

    I don't cast pearls before cult zealots

    are you now saying Michael Crichton is not a pearl? <ignores cult zealot insult>

    been there and done that

    in that case I don't see what all the huffing and puffing is about posting some evidence - just ^c^v from your string of pearls

    We both know you are being disengenuous

    Best not to speak for me, given the poor job you are doing on your own behalf. I'm not being disengenuous - simply asking you to post evidence as I have done on Page 1 of this thread - to date without credible response from 5 different denier delayers.

    It's your game and I'm afraid you are going to have to play with yourself.

    What do you think this is, a chat room?

  • besty
    First of all, I made no claims regarding the veracity of the article or whether I support it. I was merely offering a view I came across elsewhere

    Why did you post that particular media article, given the mass of contrary mainstream scientific opinion? Is it your modus operandi to post information at random?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Why did you post that particular media article, given the mass of contrary mainstream scientific opinion? Is it your modus operandi to post information at random?

    Why is that even at question?

  • besty

    hey John Doe - my apologies, I'm getting you mixed up with a moron - sorry dude.

    anyways just to get back on track, here's my original question to you:

    In November 2008, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, and one of the four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that October 2008 was the “hottest on record”.
    provide a primary source link to back up your claim please

  • Caedes

    Another thread on global warming where the people who deny even the most basic of facts related to global warming fail to present even one piece of evidence. How telling.

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