I consider myself a Christian... But your are wrong as far as I am concerned
I DONT think only those who say they are Christians are going to a better place
Christians think that they are the only ones going to a better place on the other sideI have said it a hundred times .My God is looking at hearts .HE will decide WHO
is going to a Better place, Not the way we describe ourselves ...Millions of folks
call them selves Christian ....In Ireland I remember the killing of one Chriistian against another,
many Christian Germans & British, American, etc:etc: killed other Christians.
Yes for country !!!!! so we cant judge....Hearts are all that God will examine.
When I was a JW I spoke with the greatest heart surgeon.. Dr Penfield ... He said
"I have held hundreds of hearts in my hands, I can only know about them by their file
But MY GOD knows what is really in their hearts,murder,hate,jealousy,etc: "
I have thought about his statement many times since