So Far, How Do You Think President Obama's Doing?

by minimus 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee
    Bush did not keep the ideas that are right. Obama will not either, and to a much greater degree.

    Well, thanks Burnsie, for finallly admitting that! I do not understand how you cannot also admit that Obama has been left with the most complete crap situation? And is doing the best under the circumstance?

    No one has addressed the question of: what do you think that McCain/Palin would be doing right now that would be addressing the economic crisis? Please be specific - what would they be doing?

  • BurnTheShips
    Well, thanks Burnsie, for finallly admitting that!

    Finally? I have been saying this all along!

    And is doing the best under the circumstance?

    No he is not. Absolutely not. He is selling a flyspecked piece of shit. He could do MUCH better than this. Don't these people learn from history? It becomes increasingly difficult to believe that these people can be so colossally stupid, and one starts to enter the realm of conspiracy theory and manufactured crisis.

    McCain/Palin would be doing right now that would be addressing the economic crisis?

    I do not know, but I think McCain would not be terribly, terribly different. Everyone knew that McCain was not a real fiscal conservative. Palin probably is, if her track record counted for anything but she was the VP candidate. I think that at least McCain would have acted as a check on the most egregious aspects of the bill. Not good enough I know, but divided government has definite advantages. McCain had experience, and an actual track record of bipartisanship. McCain was the lesser evil.

    This bill will not fix the economy, and it will exacerbate many problems, such as the Federal deficit, and it will contribute to inflation, which is how the government steals money without having to tax directly. The bill is not popular now, and it will be less so over time. You hate Repubs? Obama is looking like the greatest gift the conservative wing of that party could have ever had. The democrats own this shit sandwich, from the bun to the stinky center. This bill is full of shit that will give opponents ammo for years to come. I know you despise Rush Limbaugh. Rush is laughing at you, not with you. One hopes that a phoenix rises from these ashes, but I am not holding my breath. The trend has been ever downward for decades now, and fiscal conservatives and limited government advocates have only slowed the flood.


  • beksbks

    Because you do not continue running with them in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of you.

  • BurnTheShips

    But the end of all things has drawn close. Be sound in mind, therefore, and be vigilant

  • BizzyBee
    I think that at least McCain would have acted as a check on the most egregious aspects of the bill. Not good enough I know, but divided government has definite advantages. McCain had experience, and an actual track record of bipartisanship. McCain was the lesser evil.

    Not very specific - you are basically saying that if the Republicans had won the election they'd be fighting for a similar stim package and that McCain was the lesser evil - how?

    Look, Burnsie, the shit sandwich is the Bush legacy. Pure and simple. McCain would be struggling with it had he been elected. Instead, Obama is struggling with it. Neither one would have had an easy time of it.

  • beksbks
    Look, Burnsie, the shit sandwich is the Bush legacy. Pure and simple. McCain would be struggling with it had he been elected. Instead, Obama is struggling with it. Neither one would have had an easy time of it.

    True, but at the very least, we have a man in there who is intelligent, forward thinking and has some idealism intact. McPalin would have just gotten frustrated and declared war on someone.

  • BurnTheShips
    Not very specific - you are basically saying that if the Republicans had won the election they'd be fighting for a similar stim package and that McCain was the lesser evil - how?

    Simple. Democrats control congress. A Republican controls the White House. The package would have been smaller. McCain would likely have thave used the bully pulpit to rally public opposition to the worst parts of a bill. This would have peeled off more Democrat votes and have possibly wrecked a veto proof vote. McCain could have then threatened veto if this thing was not more reasonable. I do not entertain any illusions about McCain being a true small government advocate regardless of his rhetoric, but he was certainly more on the right side of the issue than Obama, and he had a track record and experience. You want greater specificity regarding a hypothetical scenario, that is all I can offer. And yes, just as I did during the passage of the Bush/Paulson Failout Crappage, I would be complaining.

    Look, Burnsie, t
    he shit sandwich is the Bush legacy. Pure and simple. McCain would be struggling with it had he been elected. Instead, Obama is struggling with it. Neither one would have had an easy time of it.

    You must burn a lot of calories in dodging issues and missing points.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Man, I think there needs to be a hip wader disclaimer in the thread title.

  • BurnTheShips

    HazMat suit.


  • Robdar

    Look, Burnsie, the shit sandwich is the Bush legacy. Pure and simple. McCain would be struggling with it had he been elected. Instead, Obama is struggling with it. Neither one would have had an easy time of it.

    As much as I despise Bush, this shit burger was tossed on the grill when Clinton was in office.

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