How do you wash tennis shoes?

by asilentone 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Tie them together by the laces and throw them over a high electric cable...then wait for rain.....many people do this.

  • Finally-Free

    I don't wash tennis shoes. I don't wear them either. And you'll never catch me playing tennis or even watching it.


  • asilentone

    LOL at Cameo, No, I am not currently running ad on Craigslist, as soon as I get a new picture, I will post my pic at craigslist. I have never posted my pic on craigslist. By the way, I washed my shoes with detergent the other day, it still smells bad, so I was hoping for some helpful suggestions. If noone will give me good suggestions here on JWD, I guess that I will have to improvise myself or get new tennis shoes.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Baking soda.....water..............

  • shamus100

    Buy new ones.

  • DJK

    I tie them up in an old pillow case. Small wash cycle with a quarter cup of laundry detergent. Once I put them in the dryer afer washing but that destroyed them.

    When there done washing, remove them from the case and stuff them with crunched up newspaper. Don't try to dry them too fast, they may shrink and high heat will cause the adhesives to fail.

  • nelly136

    put em in a pillowcase and tie it up then put in some towels , that way you get a full load wash and they dont kick the wshing machine door off :)

    (make sure the treads not got anything nasty in it.....any hubby or guests toothbrush will do for that)

    i washing machine my reeboks if i can be bothered on normal wash with towel load and normal washing powder/conditioner then leave em upside down on radiator to dry out, mine are leather but littluns canvas ones go through just fine.

    toothpaste gets off a variety of marks from the leather ones.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    There is this stuff I get at the dollar store called "Mean Green". It works like bleach on the rubber soles, look like new but doesn't fade the colors like bleach. Scrub em up with an old toothbrush (or your partners) rinse without totally soaking them and lay in the sun or on heat register.

  • skeeter1

    I just toss them in the washer with detergent and a little bit of bleach. I let them dry in front of a fan.

    The manufacturers say not to do this since it may weaken the seams and glue. But, I've never had a pair fall apart.

  • musky

    "any hubby or guests toothbrush will do for that)"

    What am I going to use to clean the toilet with then?

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