My Resignation Letter

by AllTimeJeff 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you were in a position to be able to say it to those who needed to hear it. Most of us are neither noticed nor missed by the GB.

  • passwordprotected

    Fantastic stuff, Jeff.

  • boyzone

    Well done Jeff! Loved how you exposed the arrogance of the faithful slave teaching. Reminds me on the man of lawlessness description in Thessalonians. Fits them to a tee.

  • truthsetsonefree

    This is such a well written letter. Amazing how so many exits begin with an "interested" person calling 1914 into question. Your feelings on your JW friends mirror mine. I hope to see them again outside of the "organization".

    Isaac Carmignani

  • carla

    Nice letter, why do you call it a resignation letter instead of a da-ing letter? Were you hoping to avoid the label?

  • AllTimeJeff
    Nice letter, why do you call it a resignation letter instead of a da-ing letter? Were you hoping to avoid the label?

    This is just my opinion, but I think to call it disassociation is to play by their rules. I never wanted to stop associating with any of my friends. I would have even taken the time to fart in my ex wifes general direction if given the chance.....

    I simply could not be a member anymore. They can call it what they want, but thats not what it is.....

  • Mary

    Excellent letter Jeff. The only thing that would have made it more perfect is if you had of cc'd every Witness you knew.

    At best, 1914 will go down as a great coincidence between World War I starting, and what a few people who followed C T Russell were looking for.

    I often wonder what would have happened to Russell and Friends had WW I not started in 1914. Would the whole thing have collapsed? I doubt it, since he taught that Jesus' Return was "invisible". Had the War started a year or even 5 years later, they still could have explained it away stating that the war in heaven actually "broke out in 1914" and "evidently" went on for some time before Satan "was cast down to the earth."

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Great letter! Mine was like ...9 pages long LOLOL! I bet they got to that last paragraph about giving evidence to your wife to remarry and went "SEE??? See all he wants to do is leave Jehovahs organization to go COMMIT ADULTERY and FORNICATE!" and the rest of it became excuses you made to give yourself permission to go do that.

    You know how it is....straining gnats and swallowing camels.

    So glad you are OUT!!

  • garybuss

    Your letter underscores my mistake in dealing with everything I was taught by my parents, as well as everything I learned at the Kingdom Halls and at United States public schools. My childhood trust and gullibility extended way too far into my adulthood. My core beliefs were nothing more than assumptions made by me and given the weight and value of facts.

    In the end I realized everything I had learned at home, at church, and in school was wrong. The only thing I kept was the multiplication tables.

    The best delusion I got rid of was theism.

  • chickpea

    having been only a drone
    it never ceases to amaze me
    when the really really really
    embraced and groomed JWs
    have that epihany ....

    one has to wonder what defense
    can be mustered against such an
    "insider" coming to a screaming
    conclusion that the b0rg IS a
    snare and a racket beyond
    any shadow of a doubt....

    i hope that niggling doubt,
    spawned by your letter, nightly
    scours their deepest recesses.....

    thank you for sharing

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