My Resignation Letter

by AllTimeJeff 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Well put ATJ... did they accept your resignation, or ask you to stick around and teach Gilead classes the truth?


  • easyreader1970

    Awesome letter. I wish I was courageous enough to write one like that. Honestly, I don't even think they read those. They get as far as the resigning/disassociation part and probably stop there. They don't read them, I don't think, because your individual contribution to the "program" is meaningless to them. They'll get along just fine without you. Who gives a ****.

    If I ever did get the courage to bail, I think my letter would be less than five sentences. They wouldn't be worth any more of my time or printer ink. It would feel good to write it all out, but I think it'd be a waste of time.

  • Alpaca

    AT Jeff,

    Thanks so much for sharing your letter.Great expose of the lies and presumptuous pomp that is the hallmark of the BORG and the GB.

    Just a thought...but it seems like there was a transitional period, just prior to and after the publication of the "Aid to Bible Understanding," with respect to the kind of research you did on the 607 BCE date.

    During the years leading up to the publication of the "Aid" Book the BORG encouraged deep study of the scriptures...especially as it related to doctrinal issues. For quite a few years we only had a mini "Aid" book with articles A - E. I remember spending many hours with the Diaglott and the Kingdom Interlinear to fully grasp the nuances of grammar surrounding John 1:1 that related to the Trinity. I was taking Latin in high school (early 70s) at the time, so the grammar analyses that the BORG offered for John 1:1 and other scriptures intrigued me.

    But after "Insight on the Scriptures" and the "Proclaimers" books, it seemed as though the BORG tried to squelch any research other than the prepackaged answers they provided. In retrospect, it's clear they realized they had painted themselves into a corner and that anyone with half a brain would quickly find the discrepancies and flawed logic if they spent just a little time "researching."

    I doubt that very many active Dubs even have the skill to research and critically analyze anything. They are expected to just blindly swallow everything and anything that the BORG tells them is historical fact. Funny thing is that this is exactly the criticism the BORG used to level at the Catholic was sufficient for the clergy to explain things to an unquestioning congregation.

    Today the BORG is a mere shadow of it's former pseudoscholarship (that unfortunately dazzled enough people into thinking it was real scholarship).

    Your observations are always appreciated.



  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Great letter, ATJ. Thanks for sharing.

  • DaCheech

    I first heard apostate material on paper from a guy named stanley in paterson, nj.

    it took 10 years to look it up on the net, then I found randy watters.

    now I love experiences like yours on JWN


  • OnTheWayOut

    I read your letter yesterday and thought I commented on it.

    Awesome letter.

    At best, 1914 will go down as a great coincidence between World War I starting, and what a few people who followed C T Russell were looking for. This is disingenuous, misleading, and unfair.

    Bravo. Excellent point. I wonder if WT would have died out
    if there were no World War and Russell's passing away.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Great letter. And so true! Thanks for posting.

    One point. In a way 1914 is not even a coincidence, because the WTS was looking for the end in October 1914 whereas WWI began several months earlier. They do their best to gloss over this, but the fact remains.


  • smiddy

    Thanks atj,thats probably the simplest clearest info of 607/539-538 i`ve seen debunking wt chronology.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I enjoyed reading your letter Jeff. Well done, and thanks for sharing.

    The Oracle

  • garyneal

    Again, 1914 is the society's achilles heel. So sorry to hear that you had to divorce your wife. Hope it wasn't over this?

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