You stuck it to them in under a page! Well done, ATJ. I didn't know that you were in Cameroon...
My Resignation Letter
by AllTimeJeff 40 Replies latest jw friends
Good stuff, ATJ.
Many years ago I ordered a Biblical Encyclopedia through the Literature Servant. I set out to examine it cover to cover to make myself more knowledgeable and effective in the field service. In a few months I encountered the fall of Jerusalem and the contradiction of dates.
I asked one of the "mature" brothers at the hall about this discrepancy. He said, "Oh, be careful reading those secular books." As if to say, "They are wrong - the WT should be your final authority."
Well done, Jeff! It takes great courage to stick your neck out the way you did.
BlackSwan of Memphis
That was really well written.
Great letter, lets hope it was distributed to the relevant depts.I like you left my JW wife in the WTS and gave her an avenue to remarry in the "Lord". The 607 BCE date setting in which they so stringently adhere to is laughable in many ways.
Mad Sweeney
Great Letter, Jeff. Thanks for sharing it.
I kind of feel like EasyReader1970 in that I don't feel it's worth the time explaining myself to them. Besides, it isn't one issue for me; it's everything: 1914/607, earthquakes, shunning, mind control, bonafide stupid people put in positions of authority, blood, etc. etc. ad nauseum. I could never fit it on to one page. Maybe I'll someday just send them a single sheet of paper with one line on it:
Well, you were "working" for a corporation, so the resignation term seems appropriate.
I have to say for any lurkers who may want to write a letter, if you want to vent, make it as many pages as you want. If you want it read by the elders and the Service Dept, make it no more then front and back of one page, with no smaller then a 10 font.
By now, the Service Dept elders have seen and heard it all. They know that 607 is fake, that the borg was part of the UN. Which is what pisses me off about the lot of them, because they had a chance to respond when they came across the lies, and decided instead to go all in with the GB.
In this letter, I gave some personal reasons, which were very appropriate. But I also wanted it to be very clear that what the GB claims as to their power base was totally wet. I don't think that every elder in the Service Dept gets Gilead teachings included in a letter. I hope it shook them up a little. As in "Wow, the GB I worship and suck up to think that Elijah and Elisha prophecied their existence. Either ATJeff discovered weed, or this is real. Maybe I will check..."
Maybe their consciences twinged. Maybe they were reminded that not only have they bought the lie, they are lie distributors, and cynical ones at that. Good riddance to them all.
I resigned. Screw their disassociation crap. I will get with my friends again, at least some of them one day.
Hmmmm...lot different da letter from mine. I simply tore out a sheet of paper from a spiral notebook with pieces still hanging from it and wrote in pencil, ' please read at your next meeting that I no longer want to be known as a Jehovah's Witness.' signed-bavman
Bavman, the most important thing for any resignation letter was that it accomplished what you set out to do. I envy your approach frankly....