Your concept of god, is, by definition, very limited, LOL. Who can't believe in such a god? makes perfect sense.
by Awakened at Gilead 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your concept of god, is, by definition, very limited, LOL. Who can't believe in such a god? makes perfect sense.
A man whose mind is closed can easily explain away any and all evidence that God exists. An atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a policeman. Think of the people who refuse to believe that men have walked on the moon. Show them photos of astronauts walking on the moon and hand them moon rocks brought here by such men, and you won't be able to convince them. Their minds are made up.
In the Bible, Romans 1:19-21 says people will similarly suppress evidence about God. But the Bible also says God can be found by those who seek him. (Jeremiah 29:13, 14) In effect, God won't allow atheists to ever find him as long as they ridcule his existence or deliberately close their minds about him. We can't know him unless we really want to.
Earth's great age and complexity point to a designer. The planet is perfect in size, and it's gravity is in perfect balance for holding a thin layer of life-sustaining gases immediately above its surface. The right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life would be impossible on a smaller or larger planet.
The planet's temperatures vary from the intense heat of the tropics to the frigid cold at the poles. If earth was closer to the sun, we'd burn to a crisp. If it was further away, the whole planet would be like the Antarctic. Life as we know it would be impossible, if life existed at all.
The moon is precisely where it ought to be and of the right size to keep the oceans from stagnating and from inundating the continents.
Water is abundant on earth though it seems difficult to find evidence of it elsewhere in the universe. No life could exist without the characteristics of water. Our 98.6 degrees average body temperature could not be maintained without it. It would be useless to us if its boiling point was lower or its freezing point was higher. And without water there would be no food.
Most of earth's water is too salty. But a system of evaporation, clouds and rivers has been designed to remove salt from sea water and distribute throughout the globe the kind of water needed by living plants, animals and people.
Scientists have been trying for decades to invent a computer comparable to the human brain that simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. More amazing still is the fact that atheists believe the human brain, far superior to any mechanical computer, is the result of a series of blind non-directed accidents in nature over a long period of time.
I can't be an atheist. To do so, I'd have to close my mind to everything that exists around me. Everywhere I look, I see God's masterful handiwork. Long after I'm gone, he will still be here, performing marvelous wonders that will instill awe in the minds and hearts of millions of people. And he will continue to dramatically answer the prayers of those who daily walk with him and talk to him day after day.
To say there is no scientific reason to believe in God is silly. Many of the greatest scientists have been and are believers. And not all scientists accept the theory that humans have been on earth for billions of years.
No one knows for sure how long humans have been here. But I think it's enlightening to know that human writing goes back only about 6,000 years. Generally speaking, the oldest languages of man are the most complex. They are far from being the grunts and growls of supposed cavemen. If humans and their languages have been around for eons, why is there no evidence of writing or speaking beyond 6,000 years ago?
All around us, the evidence is that nature is dying, not evolving upward. A tiny insect begins to die when it reaches a certain age. It has life within it but that life does not surge upward and advance. No, its life ebbs and eventually leaves its body. Anywhere we look in all of nature, where is the evidence of an evolutionary movement upward?
Perhaps another piece of evidence for God's existence is in the way atheists try so hard to refute something that they don't believe even exists. I wonder if it's because they're not sure of their position, if it's because they are curious to see if they can be convinced otherwise. At any rate, it seems to me that atheists are on a quest to become free from the question of God. If they could prove conclusively to believers that they are wrong, then and only then would the issue be off the table. But believers continue to hang in there, and as long as that holds true atheists don't seem free to go about their lives.
A man whose mind is closed can easily explain away any and all evidence that God exists.
A man whose mind is closed can easily explain away any and all evidence that God does NOT exist.
Earth's great age and complexity point to a designer.
That is a large assumption. It takes an open mind to consider the possibility that this assumption may not be true.
series of blind non-directed accidents
This shows your ignorance of how evolution and natural selection works. May I suggest you do some research on evolution before you use a WT-style attack on it?
Long after I'm gone, he will still be here, performing marvelous wonders
Can you name one of the wonders that he IS doing right now?
All around us, the evidence is that nature is dying, not evolving upward.
Evolution requires death in order to occur. Natural selection is focused on improving reproductive chances, not extending life. Again, your ignorance of basic evolutionary theory, to which I as a neophyte stake no claim to being an expert, is staggering.
atheists try so hard to refute something that they don't believe even exists.
This was the response to a born-again exJW who asked me to explain my position. This is my first atheist thread, as far as I can remember.
I wonder if it's because they're not sure of their position
I would question anyone who IS sure of their position, as in "We KNOW we have the truth". The truth is that we simply do not know the answers, and I am open to being proved wrong when the deity decides to make his identity clear. as I stated above "f. My disbelief in god is not absolute. "
But believers continue to hang in there, and as long as that holds true atheists don't seem free to go about their lives.
That is quite a generalization! If it makes you feel good, great! I was merely responding to a believer's question, who seems to be wavering in his faith. I, for one, am an atheist perfectly happy to go about my life and not take any mythological deity into account.
Very logical reasoning Lance! And an excellent response to the post above your last.
There is no proof that life began by god, so why should I believe that…???
But is there no proof that life began by chance either, so why should I believe in that necessarily….??
I'm so proud of you, AaG!
Maj, you are using a strawman, as far as I can tell....
I did not use the 1st quoted line. And I did not claim that life arose by chance (none of my statements address abiogenesis). If you are referring to evolution, see my comments to fjtoth.
I am not saying that you have to believe in anythjing... but let's say that:
1. A deity create the physical universe (a possibility that I do not deny)
2. A deity caused life to begin about 3 billion years ago (IMHO, a less likely possibility, but given your question, let's have a go, shall we?)
Using my logic, does that translate into the Biblical God? the Christian God? any other concept of God? What is your concept of God given that you suppose that abiogenesis did not occur?
I agree with everything above, except that since we cannot disprove God, I'm Agnostic and not Atheist. Just terminology I guess :)
Yep, terminology. IMO atheist and agnostic are two different dimensions of belief, and are not mutually exclusive. I believe there are four possible states of theological belief:
Agnostic atheist: lacks a belief in god; does not claim specific knowledge of god's non-existence (ie, does not believe you can disprove god). This is what most atheists are. It's also called "weak atheism."
Gnostic atheist: believes you can actually disprove the existence of gods. Also called "strong atheism." Out of all the atheists I know none are of this type.
Agnostic theist: believes in a higher power; does not claim specific knowledge of that higher power.
Gnostic theist: believes in a higher power; claims specific knowledge of that higher power. These are your Christians, etc.
So..in summary, you are an atheist!
Maj, you are using a strawman, as far as I can tell....
It’s no strawman argument I promise. It’s a genuine question. Been wondering about this topic for a long time. I have no answers if I am honest and I am not afraid to admit that. But if I am to believe in something then proof is needed and I find no proof for either argument at present. I just wish to know the truth but I can’t be certain without true facts. My previous questions stand……
I cannot refute the fair folk though I do not believe they exist.
"God" believers, do you?
You are an A-fairyist. Whycomes? The notion of faries is silly. You've never seen one. There is no proof of one. Some books say they exist. Very ancient knowledge propounded them. You cannot disprove them. Yet you are an A-fairyist.
Exchange the word fairy for "god" if you please. See how silly your belief is?