I think it's obvious I wasn't appealing to authority. Shamus trashed the Bible, and I supplied the thoughts of well-informed persons who have read the Bible and expressed themselves differently.
Gotcha. I misundersood.
by Awakened at Gilead 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it's obvious I wasn't appealing to authority. Shamus trashed the Bible, and I supplied the thoughts of well-informed persons who have read the Bible and expressed themselves differently.
Gotcha. I misundersood.
I fail to see what this has to do with belief in god.
I don't think you would have failed to see the connection if you had been carefully following my reply to the mockings and sarcasm expressed by satanus.
I doubt that you have ever read the Bible. If you had, I think you would be more inclined to see the book in the way that many scholars much wiser than you or I have expressed themselves about it. The Bible has changed the lives of millions of people for the better. Ridicule it and its author all you want, but 'the proof is in the pudding.'
Ftoth said, 'You can't possibly know what I know for sure'. I haven't seen arrogance like this since the third grade.
fjtoth:Those in this thread who have labeled believers as "ignorant" have identified themselves as atheists, not as anti-theists
Since I used the term "ignorance" in my response to you, are you referring to my post?
A@G:Again, your ignorance of basic evolutionary theory, to which I as a neophyte stake no claim to being an expert, is staggering.
Referring to the ignorance of someone on a particular subject is not the same as labelling a person ignorant. You come across as knowledgable in many points, so I could hardly call you ignorant. There are many subjects that I may be ignorant about, but I don't consider myself an ignorant person. I was pointing out that if you refer to evolution as "blind chance", which you did, you are ignorant about how the theory of evolution works. This does not mean that you are not knowledgeable about other subjects.
fjtoth said, 'I think it's obvious I wasn't appealing to authority. Shamus trashed the Bible, and I supplied the thoughts of well-informed persons who have read the Bible and expressed themselves differently.'
Well then, their oppinions don't mean any more than anyone's here, or, are not well informed?
I haven't seen arrogance like this since the third grade.
I think it's far more arrogant to claim you have powers sufficient to read what's in my mind. Based on your replies, I'm getting the opinion that you have a difficult time with reading comprehension. What is so arrogant about saying you can't read my mind or know what's in it?
Your doubts are wrong.
Yes; the bible does change many lives for the better. Many people need to believe in this fairy-tale in order to cope in every day life. We all need something to get us through the day. I am thankful that I don't need god to get me through mine.
Besides, you're a typical western thinking person. You don't realize that christianity is a very small percentage of religions in this world, and the only reason why you believe in the christian god is due to where you were born instead of factual evidence.
So I guess you're right! The proof is in the pudding.
C'mon 'awakened,'
Get off it! You know quite well that the context was ignorance concerning evolution.
Yes fjtoth, that is exactly what I am saying. Unless you post something to the contrary, you have demonstrated ignorance about evolution.
BTW, which god do you believe in?
I have to tell you that your assumptions are totally wrong. You have no idea where I'm coming from or how I arrived at the situation I'm in, yet you make strong assertions. Goody for you that you have such godlike instincts, even without the help of God! How wonderful it would be if we all could infallibly judge others in the way you judge me and how I arrived at my conclusions. I'm sorry you're taking what I write so personal.