I know where you're coming from Mr flipper. My parents are both elderly, dad 81, mum 75. Both are in poor health but dad is still a hard-hearted uber dub so feels the guilt pangs of missing meetings acutely. Thing is, he has cataracts and can't drive well in the dark. Since taking away the day group meeting (which they loved) he's had some very near misses trying to get to the evening meeting. Mum lost the sight in one eye 3 years ago due to an accident with a glass dish, so she can't drive anymore either.
Mum's had cancer and has spent the last 6 months on chemo. Despite her weakened immune system she's continued to attend all the meetings cos of dad's "we must feed at Jehovah's table to keep you spiritualy strong" mentality. At times she was so sick that she couldn't go. Still, they patched through a phone line for her, so thats ok then
I've tried to reason with them to take a more balanced attitude but to no avail. What is a shame is I can virtually see the fear in dad's eyes. As he feels the end of his days getting nearer he get more staunch and clings to the meetings all the more. Its as if he feels his everlasting life may be in jeopardy if he's not at the KH 24/7. Its so sad.