Even though my 82 year old witness mom has been a JW since 1951 - we have always been close, able to talk about anything as she is not your typical mind controlled witness - she is reasonable and values family over alleigance to the WT society. In my 5 years being out of the witnesses as a fader both her and my elder dad have respected why I stopped going ( initially over injustices by elders ) and later as I've told them , the child abuse issues , view of higher education, etc. So when we were having a friendly mom to son chat - my mom opened the opportunity for me to share more about my doubts - and you guys know me - I CAREFULLY dived right in.
It started by my mom expressing concern over my fading witness niece blaming her witness parents ( my sister & husband ) for her problems as an adult . My niece was quite vocal and angry towards my sister - even wrote a nasty letter to the WT society saying she didn't want anything to do with witnesses. I told my mom I disagreed with my niece being hateful towards my sister - that even if a person disagrees or has doubts about the organization - they should still allow their witness family the freedom to pursue their beliefs with respect and dignity - as long as they respect our freedom to have differences. So my mom asked me , " What doubts have you had ? " I asked her, " Are you sure it won't upset you if I say ? " She replied, " No. I'm fine. I'm just curious. " So I thought here is my opportunity.
I said, " You know mom how when I was a boy you and dad taught me that elders were a " crag and stronghold " to be turned to for guidance in times of need ? And that they were appointed by holy spirit ? Well - I've had experiences over the years that made me have serious doubts about that due to faulty counsel given me in the way of personal opinions by elders instead of giving me Bible based counsel . " I continued , " For instance over 5 years ago I was told by elders to accept back a worldy wife who was a methamphetamine addict and told if she felt uncomfortable when my witness daughters visited - to meet my witness daughters in a park to visit them - and not have them in my home if it made my druggie wife uncomfortable ! " I added, " If this counsel was from Jehovah - then Jehovah is seriously screwed up ! " My mom agreed. I told my mom that I told the elders their counsel was seriously messed up - that I DID NOT agree with it , and I'm sure God didn't either ! The elders even tried to blame me for druggie wife leaving - although it was HER decision to leave. My mom asked, " Well, don't you think Jehovah will hold those elders accountable for the wrong actions they committed unjustly towards you ? " And I replied, " Yes, Jehovah may hold them accountable mom, but the Watchtower society will never hold them accountable for their actions ! " Then she said, " Well, you may have a point there. "
Then we discussed my witness ex-wife's mental state a bit. In 1997 after 18 years of marriage my then witness wife admitted that as a 12 year old girl she had been sexually molested by her uncles whose father ( her grandfather ) was an elder. My wife refused to get professional counseling and had anger towards everybody for her pain, including me . One reason our marriage wol never work. Even the elders advised her at the time to get professional counseling by a therapist, but she refused. my mom asked, " And I bet the elders did nothing towards her uncle's to discipline them after she was abused , did they ? I said, " No. " My mom said, " That's tragic. "
Then I discussed briefly with mom how the elders tried to DF me on " circumstantial fornication " 2 years ago right before Mrs. Flipper and I married - and how the elders dragged it out 9 months ! - only to overturn the DFing decision in an appeal meeting due to lack of evidence. I told her of their harassing phone calls to my wife, how it scared her, and how they seemed to just want to convict me - without a trial, or evidence ! My mom said, " That was awful you and your wife had to go through that. I'm glad you are happy and it's over. " She continued, " Son- with all you have been through- you could write a book and make millions . " I said, " Well, yeah, but I'd just as soon forget it, move on with life in happiness ! "
So that's it ! It was a great conversation ! She loves my wife a lot and can see that some of us faders don't go off the deep end when we leave the witnesses. Some of us don't go and have orgies, do drugs, and end up down and out drunks on the street. So my mom thanked me for going into details and she said it filled in some holes which she didn't know about my life. So what do you guys and gals think ? Do you think my mom will think about some of these things ? I look forward to your comments as always ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper