Did there ever come a time where the meetings became unbearable?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    After 1975 the diatribe was enough to get me to drift out without admitting that the religion was total crappola.

    I really stuffed up badly. I got my wife and kids in to save them from my parent's killer god, but their silly jehovah prick never showed up and killed me.

    Did I learn my lesson from that????

    Oh No.

    I thought he might come along a bit later and kill me.

    Now.... my wife..... who I love very much, is frightened to watch a documentary about the, wait for it.....


    ....because it might test her faith.

    She, as I pointed out tonight, is no different to me in that she longer believes in the religion of her parents.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Not long after Killer God failed to show up in 1975.



    My father told me that you were going to kill all my school mates cos their parents weren't JWs and they ended up dying from old age and accidents and disease and I am left behind looking like an idiot because I believed your Armageddon shit.

    I am the one that needs a shrink????

    Of course I am..... but I ain't the only one.

    Do you think I can find a way to get a member of my family to find a single brain cell that still functions when anything that might connect it to another appears? Not a chance.

    Tonight, my wife openly stated that she will support the WT version of God in spite of any and all evidence that I can present to the contrary.

    She sympathises with my childhood, but makes no excuses for my physical disability caused by my following the WT inspired delusions of my youth.

    I specifically asked her (a born in Anglican, converted to the JW cult by me).......Who owes me an apology for my stupidity as a 15 year old?????

    She will not answer. She just mumbles about my parents. My parents are the Watchtowers favourite drones.

  • dorayakii

    I was also born in the Lie; I never really enjoyed the meetings, assemblies or conventions and I never had any real friends in the Borg so even after meeting "association" even though it was better than a Watchtower study, it wasn't something I actively looked forward too. However the meetings were at least bearable for most of my time in the Borg... It was normal for me to endure endless hours of tedium: a 2-hour family study every sunday evening, 1-hour personal study or Watchtower pre-study every Saturday afternoon, leaving the Hall 1 or 2 hours after the end of the meeting because my father had to have elders' meetings and/or lock the Hall, in addition to the normal, 4 hours field-service and 5 meetings a week.

    When I went abroad for a year as part of my university studies in 2004 at the age of 21, I spent the first 4 months of my stay with a JW family with whom I attended meetings. After I found my own apartment I abandonned meetings altogether; there was a 7 month gap in my meeting attendance.

    When I returned to living with my parents in late 2005 meetings suddenly became painfully unbearable. I had recently began to do internet research about the organisation and I could find fault with almost every utterance from the platform. Over the next year and a half my relationship with my parents and the elders deteriorated and I finally left home and the organisation in February 2007.

    The last meeting I went to was the 2007 Memorial...

  • Pistoff

    Yes; 2002, the year the scandal broke. Later that year the dunderheaded WT conductor said that we know that Satan was responsible for the media reporting the "lies" about the child sexual abuse scandal.

    I walked out after that statement; I have been back a few times, but that did it for me. It was the first time that going there felt really wrong, as opposed to just miserable.

  • Bodhisattva1320

    Being born into it i do not remember a time that the meetings were enjoyable. early memories like oompa's - spankings for talking or not being able to sit still for the multiple hour meetings.... as a parent now - i see that it is so idiotic. to expect NORMAL children to be ABLE to sit and be quiet puh LEASE. then as an older child my brother was disfellowshipped..the whole congragation treated me like "poorly" i was 12 y/o. it didnt take long (15y/o) for me to get pulled in the back for my chance to tell the elders to f themselves, my life was none of their business. NEVER WENT BACK. and for the meetings,,, they were ALL unbearble, i have never been a person that was able to tolerate BS or fakey fake ppl or materialism (a lot of that there).

  • dannyboy

    LOL @ Farkel

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