Did there ever come a time where the meetings became unbearable?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    If you don't mind me asking, why do you have to force yourself to attend the Memorial? Why go at all if you don't believe that stuff? Why the charade?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Significant other has family still in and wouldn't dream of not being there on their account (I could care less!)

    There are a very few 'discouraged ones' in our old hall, who will be GLAD to see us and for them, I guess it is worth it - we still see these folks off and on for dinner and some of them are now elderly and frail (we do wonder whether they are awakening as well as they seem very discouraged and dwindling in their own meeting attendance as there seems to be no joy for them. (This is all good news to us but painful to watch) - so for the sake of re-connecting at least in some small way with those select few, I almost am looking forward to that part only - we may go out with them for coffee after we meet in the parking lot! Hope that explains it better.

  • logic

    I was born into the organization. I hated going as long as I can remember. Each meeting I wanted to jump up and

    scream and then leave. I never kept it a secret . I have told several jws that anyone that says they enjoy the

    meetings was a lier and that was just the way I always felt. If anyone would say how good the meeting was

    or how good the information was, I would ask them what it was all about , I never had anyone that could remember.

    I always thought that all the printed material was deliberately confusing. I have allways been good at reading

    and comprehension. The only time I wondered about my self was when I read the societies crap. I have deliberately

    made great efforts to understand what they are trying to say. I actually know most of the doctrines by heart,

    like the 1914, 1918, etc. but have never been able to back it up with scripture. I realized a long time ago

    that the only way to believe this stuff is by faith alone.

    I quit going a couple of years ago and have never felt better. Even by wife has become very irregular. She

    has seen alot of problems now. The longer you stay away the more time you have to clear your brain.

    The witnesses still come around, and now I look at how pathetic they are, wasting their time running around

    wasting their time and gas, pretending to preach the word and trying to believe in something requiring

    faith in a man made organization. It is no wonder that jws have such a high percentage of people with

    mental problems. One of their favorite sayings is that god will make avery thing clear. They say that

    because they know that none of the stuff makes any sense. God is a logical being . He doesnt expect

    us to believe in the illogical.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Oh, and Scarred for life - I should add that I really hate the fact that our attendance will add to their inflated Memorial attendance numbers which the org parades around as million of 'interested ones' - we all know most of the extra attenders are dfd, da'd and inactive Witlesses! I'm well aware that we'll be discussed as the submarine type - that only surface once a year - but hey, I used to say the same myself about others. Now, I see it all from the other side!

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I always thought that all the printed material was deliberately confusing. I have allways been good at reading

    and comprehension. The only time I wondered about my self was when I read the societies crap.

    I couldnt agree with you more. I have excellant reading and comprehensive skills........ But reading the societys lit always made me feel stupid, until I finally realized that I wasn't the one with the problem. (sorry, can't turn the highlight function off)

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Amen to all of that Drew Sagan.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Yes, especially the last year or so that I attended. Once I became convinced that it was bs, my plan was to attend sporadically, until I moved out of the territory altogether. So the meetings that I actually did attend were pure torture, especially watching the people eat it up, without question, when I knew it was total bullshit.

  • Roddy

    I attended the Sunday meeting about a month ago because I thought a mutual friend was going to give the talk. Mistaken identity.

    Anyway, the speaker was so intellectually handicapped, vocabulary challenged, and used so many stereotypic cliché and generalities I felt genuinely embarrassed for anyone sitting there listening to this speech.

    Let me tell you how bad it was: The boring Watchtower study that followed was actually interesting by comparison!!!

    I thought I was going to pull out all my hair!

  • LouBelle

    The last three months of being a JW, I found it very difficult to be at the meetings. The very last meeting I went to was the worst - I sat there and sobbed and then eventually walked out.

  • JimmyPage

    Before I knew the real truth about the Society the meetings were boring enough. But once you know the real deal the meetings become transparent in their constant mind control indoctrination and endless references to "the faithful slave". They become a real torture and the district conventions are even worse.

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