It used to be that pioneers supported themselves with free literature and magazines and put in 100+ hours a month. Then 90, then 70.
A publisher had to put in at least an hour a month to be counted. Now 15 minutes.
They used to hand out a Written Review and collect it and grade it! Gone....
Hardbound books? The Press Room figured that paperbacks were cheaper.
Over a hundred years of subscriptions to the Watchtower? Gone..... to save money.
Three meetings a week? Cram the book study into the Ministry School and make it two.
Eight day conventions? What were they? Now, it's three days and they complain about attendance on Friday.
Reading? You mean seven volumes of Studies in the Scriptures? Let God Be True? Did I read in Ray Franz's books that Governing Body members couldn't keep up with reading these dumbed down magazines?
Two Awakes a month. Now one Awake a month. Two Watchtowers a month. Now a public version and a study issue to save money.
Hour talk on Sunday? 55 minute talk? 30 minute talk?
Let's prepare for the Ministry School. Heck, let's just have a straight Bible reading so kids don't have to prepare.
Hours in the "ministry"? Let's compromise those with new hours counted by elder/elderess parents.
Food service at assemblies? Too expensive. Dump it.
Books on evolution? or anything beyond grade school level? Nah...not anymore.
A "Clean Organization"? Really? Do you still believe in that myth just because you disfellowship an occassional teenager who never should have been pushed into baptism in the first place? If you think the organization is clean and loyal, who do you think is spilling confidential information about the Society onto "apostate" websites, year after year?
And so it goes. They are decaying and they don't even perceive it. We could generate electricity from Rutherford rolling in his grave (if we really knew where they buried him).