@leavingWT - I agree, reading the Bible is dangerous for a JW. When we started reading the Bible - without the WTS filter - we left the Org in within a couple of months.
I'm sure that's why the WTS goes to great lengths to have something to say about virtually every verse of the Bible; that means that a JW doesn't have to engage their brain and think for themselves. We were told by two elders that if the WTS doesn't have a comment to make on the CD Rom about a verse in the Bible, Jehovah doesn't view that verse as being relevant.
While an elder, I was asked by a young MS about a verse in the Bible he was struggling to understand. I asked him if he'd prayed for understanding from God from the Holy Spirit. At this a sister who'd been eavesdropping piped up that he should also 'go to the faithful and discreet slave'.
JWs are told that the main spiritual meal of the week isn't the 3 or 4 assigned chapters of the Bible, but the Watchtower study.
Not long before I left the Org, I mentioned to another elder that I was encouraged to read in a WT article the Org encouraging the flock to do in-depth study of God's Word with an open and receptive mind (one of the few times you'll see that being recommended in the WT, btw). His reply was, "we do that when we study the Watchtower". This just illustrates that JWs don't actually need the Bible; they need the WTS telling them what the Bible says. In our old congregation it was very popular to sit with a print-out of all of the cited verses in that week's WT study. Bibles were closed and in book bags/on the floor.
Why do you think the WTS have ceased printing the "Would You Like to Know More About the Bible?" tract (a tract I loved using in the ministry)? They've replaced it with "Would You Like to Know the Truth?". A JW's role in the ministry isn't to discuss the Bible with people but rather to peddle the 'unique beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses'. And it doesn't take long to discover that those unique beliefs aren't actually in the Bible...