For the inactive: Five reasons why JWs encourage you to go back

by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    For those of us who are inactive and receiving encouragment to go back to meetings, what do you think their reasons are?

    Here are five suggestions:

    1.) They genuinely think you will die at Armaggedon

    2.) If they're rank and file, they do it because they're told to by the elders

    3.) The elders are encouraging you to go back because it is Society policy

    4.) They want you back in the routine (and are perhaps jealous you have your freedom)

    5.) They genuinely care about you

    Since I left a year ago, reason # 1 was given to me by an elder who genuinely believed that my prospects for everlasting life were at stake. Reason #3 was used because some elders were encouraging me because it is Society policy to do so, not because they had a genuine interest in me.

  • Gill

    Yes well, after not seeing dubs virtually not at all for the last few years they have been round here this week bearing gifts of flowers etc!

    I didn't think they liked me that much all those miserable 35 years I was a I suspect they think my demise is imminent due to Armageddon being 'just ahead' usual.

    I didn't ask any of them in....took their flowers etc and said good bye!

    Sorry...but life is too short and I am totally unforgiving! It's my worst character flaw and so be it! For an unforgiving person....I have no trouble forgiving myself. But I suspect they feel they might be getting some time in with me! I love to disappoint!

  • megaflower

    I think it boils down to numbers. They want to show a bigger head count as well as get you back out in FS which would add hours. Of course, there is $$$$$$$$,you can begin donating again. There may be some sincere ones on the local level but as you look up the ladder at the circuit, branch, and Bethel level they do not give a flying flip. It comes down to numbers and all they care about is lining their pockets.

  • truthseeker

    Interesting exp. Gill. I have had elders ignore me in the hall openly. When I stopped going a year ago, I never saw or heard from them until one day this January I bumped into two of them in a parking lot outside a supermarket. They went into encouragement mode and asked when they could come round.

    I politely told them that I had their numbers and would contact them at a future time if necessary.

  • truthseeker

    Thank you Mega Flower!

    Reason #6 They want to improve attendance at the hall and for field service

  • betterdaze

    7.) Misery loves company.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    #7 They need confirmation that they're still doing the right thing themselves

    #8 They want others to suffer with them

  • Quirky1

    They are after the $$$.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    #9) They want to shun you, to set example to those in "good standing"

    african GB member


    Reason #1: God will kill you at Armageddon.....Reason#2:God will kill you at Armageddon.....Reason#3:God will kill you at Armageddon.....Reason#4:God will kill you at Armageddon.....Reason#5:God will kill you at Armageddon.............There are 5 more reasons,but I think you get my point!..LOL!!

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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