Ever got some smart explanation, why sisters cannot wear pants at meetings?

by Albert Einstein 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The powerful hierarchy of the faith stipulates what kind of dress men and woman should wear at the halls and every where else

    as everyone knows, pants suits in their eyes is just too casual of an attire for appearance's sake.

    Remember there is an in-obvious initiative to make gods organization look as good as possible to the rest of the world,

    so the personal grooming and appearance by the members has been constructed around that.

    Another thing too woman appearing masculine and not womanly is encroaching too closely to this very male dominated

    religion, whether people like it or not woman play as second class citizens/servants to the dominant males.

    This is an old boys club with old morals and standards and it appears they very much like it that way.

  • blondie

    Actually, there was a time when women wearing slacks other than gardening was suspect:

    *** w84 7/15 p. 25 Deuteronomy Exhorts Us to Serve Jehovah With Heartfelt Joy ***

    The principle in this text would not rule out a Christian woman’s wearing slacks sometimes, as when working around the house or on a farm. And according to local custom and necessity, slacks may be the desired attire in very cold climates.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Hillary Clinton would never make it as a JWS.

  • dinah

    Yep, keep the girls in skirts and dresses. As far as the corporate image goes........girls have been allowed pants in corporate American for prolly 20 years. But then girls have also been allowed to be Presidents and CEO's. You'll never see that in the "Boys Club"

  • jwfacts

    I took a Bible study once to the meeting and he thought the way all the women dressed up to look sexy in skirts that they were all hanging out for sex.

    I work in the corporate world and beards are common for business men and most business women in Australia wear pants to work. Beards and No Pants rules as totally unjustified apart from a way for JWs to feel segregated and identify others as worldly.

  • IP_SEC

    easy. joehooba dont like it.

  • Snoozy

    As Issac said...women are also allowed to wear pants in Sullivan Missouri..


  • Kudra

    Corporate image my ass.

    I have given presentations at scientific conferences on three continents and on the west and east coast and in the middle of this country and the women wear dress slacks and button up shirts. RARELY a suit jacket with a matching skirt. And you NEVER saw anyone dressed like the "sisters" at the hall or out in service...

    Mainly the women at the hall look like country bumpkins.


  • HalfWayThere

    No one wants to see the camel toe if a sister is wearing tight pants.

  • dinah

    GAWD! They were trying to dress us like those polygamist women that were busted in Texas or wherever they were.

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