Was King David Disfellowshipped for Fornication/Adultery?

by african GB Member 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I don't believe how the witnesses interpret God. They paint God as a God of vengence and a God who doesn't care.

    Um, no. The old testament paints god that way. God killed David's son as punishment for David's sin. The JWs didn't make that story up.

  • Balsam

    Kill the kid, the innocent product of David's greed for new female fresh. Bathsheba was really the one who paid her baby died. Really makes God look lUS ALL ike an ass when David was the one who should have been punished. It just goes to show those of us reading the bible still that it is a human perspective and there is no relationship to anything divine in the whole story. Really should make anyone question the reality of believing the bible literally.


  • parakeet

    Balsam: Kill the kid, the innocent product of David's greed for new female fresh. Bathsheba was really the one who paid her baby died.

    Sounds like the plot of a poorly written soap opera, doesn't it?

  • Kinjiro

    Its like the god of the Old Testament went thru some serious psicotherapy and some extensive use of Paxil and Prozac... by the time he finished the treatment they wrote the new testament... he goes from 'kill em all, man woman child elder animal beast do not leave any stone unturned cause me jehovyy is a bad mf and jealous and if you dont do as I say.. etcetc.. ' to 'turn the other cheek... love thy enemy... pay bad with good...'

    It was either the pills or some great weed but he mustve used something!!!!

  • sinis

    OFC - "God" is not what you think it is... read the Sumerian texts, those borrowed by the Jews... perhaps one day you will see...

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