Isaac: No prob! I'm wearing my sunglasses b/c it's sunny today!!!
Howdy from a long time lurker
by Cadellin 54 Replies latest jw friends
How are YOU??? I am O.K. OLD! & losing it.... LOL
But I am still with ya all.
Hey you may be able to help out our little JW on this site
your answer to her was great -
Spike Tassel
I would find Evolutionists (etc.) more credible if they first accepted the premise that God and His Word [the Bible] must be true, and worked to prove how it could be, rather than using language that dismisses and/or discredits the Creator. They do themselves a disservice in their denials, in my honest opinion.
I would find Evolutionists (etc.) more credible if they first accepted the premise that Astrology/dowsing/scientology and elron hubbarts Word [dianetics] must be true, and worked to prove how it could be, rather than using language that dismisses and/or discredits [these ideas]
spike, you really cant tell the difference between science and your own arse with a flashlight, or you just want to throw away the basic tennet of science because it dosnt fit your worldview?
Cadellin, i love your story. i really wish you the best with your husband, my girl is in the truth and damn thats a headache sometimes even without the overhead of having to find your own feets at the same time. the creation book was also what shaped my early view of jw - my girl gave it to me early on while she was still in it, and i spend a long time going through it and weeding out the misquotations and lies in it. i think its very interesting to find so many others here on the board have done exactly the same though by the sound of it you know a hell of a lot more about human evolution than me :-). Sometime i wish there was a better way to "compound" all this research...
Reniaa: if you really feel so compelled to defend the truth, heres a couple of question from someone who knows a liiitle about information. The book in question state, in a lot of places, that "information can not arise because of mutations, therefore evolution cannot create new information". so i ask you this as a person who has recently written a 40 page report on information geometry in neural networks and generally know his shit about this topic:
1) what is the definition of information? i know of 3 which are used by creationists in this context - negative kolmogorov complexity (which im sure its not), (physical) entropy and shannon information. In the case of the last two - please elaborate on how the definition applies to this physical system.
2) then prove mathematically (i assume you, like the author of that book, have done minimal research on the topic of information before writing about it with authority, so you will know that the question IS a mathematical one) that information does not arise by (the formalized) version of the evolutionary process. and please dont quote dempski to me because he is so full of shit and a laugh to anyone who know ANYTHING about the subject. please do better than that.
3) now for a little checkup, explain how this can be harmonized by evolutionary algorithms which so clearly build up complexity and create novel solutions to hard problems by the same mechanisms that lie behind evolution.
if you cant - well your not alone. i have never seen anyone do it. yet the statement is repeated over and over again by people who dont even have a clue about what it means. but in case you can at least aknowledge that that chapter is a piece of trash and basically amounts to raising one persons oppinion to a scientific fact, without even caring to examine what the scientists say. and if you defend the position you are committing the same injustice.
Scarred for life
Welcome Cadelin! I enjoyed reading your story. Keep posting and letting us know what is going on.