Talked with Old High School buddy after 30 years - I apologized

by flipper 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anti-Christ

    Flipper that is totally awesome I think it is a very good idea to do this, it's good for the "soul".

    "Those of the world" are so unlike how the WT paints them aren't they?
    Yes I had a similar experience with some former classmates I've found via FaceBook...
    So much love in the world, so much hate in the "Truth"

    This was the biggest thing that shocked me after leaving, so much nice and kind "worldly" people, my wife is also reconnecting with some old friends on facebook.

  • flipper

    CHALAM- I'm so glad you hooked up with an old friend from school as well ! It truly is a great feeling !

    ANTI-CHRIST- I hear you. I'm glad you and your wife have reconnected as well with old friends and schoolmates ! It is amazing the lies the WT society told us about people in the outside world how " bad " they were allegedly ! How untrue that was ! Most people I've met are a lot nicer than witnesses ever were ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • BabaYaga

    Wow... this is a lovely story, Mr. Flipper. We need more happy ending stories on this site!

    Good for you. You done good... you are creating your happy endings (as must we all).


  • hubert

    That took a lot of courage, Flipper, but I am happy it worked out for you. It's kind of like removing that albatross from around your neck. What a relief, eh?

    I hope you have many years of real friendship to share together now.


  • flipper

    BABA YAGA- It is true we can all make our happy endings . All it takes is just reaching out to former friends. Thanks for the kind words.

    HUBERT- I was a little nervous at first making the phone call - however my friend made me feel really comfortable so it was just like we had never stopped being friends ! It was like getting a huge monkey off my back ! I look forward to years of friendship with him. Thanks

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