Yet another career a JW is qualified for, a lollipop. You tell the school authorities on her. She can go right back to scrubbing toilets like before she landed that lollipop job!
by iknowall558 48 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi, I am the new girl here.
I found this convo interesting because yesterday at work, the cleaning lady (who is a Witness, and I was just df'ed last week) felt the need to approach the doctor I work for and inform him that I was a df'ed Witness and that I was not "allowed" in her church, and she would not be speaking to me. (There's no reason why she would need to speak to me at work anyways.)
Anyhow, the Doctor asked her why she was telling him this. He pointed out to her that he, himself could be an ex-Witness and maybe she was offending him right now. When he told me about the experience, he told me that if I wanted to go back to my church, he would be glad to write a letter for me, telling them what a great person I was and how much he admired me. I said, "No, thank you."
Then he told me that if my church accepted people like her, and shunned people like me, then there was something seriously wrong with it.
Homerovah the Almighty
This is just one of the thousands of reasons to not become a JWS,
insidious social behavior is rude and mean spirited when its not justified.
she turns her back to me and refuses to give the "courtesy wave" you would normally give to the driver for stopping.
Courtesy wave? What's that? I never noticed any crossing guard waving at me for stopping. Maybe it's a local custom. Here, if you don't stop there's a good chance a cop will be knocking at your door though.
A bus driver once gave me "the finger" but that's another story.
Feel pity for her...... she is controlled by a cult.
During all of my childhood from 7yrs-college I was shunned and the best way to handle this is with to "kill her with kindness".
lol ninja it needs to be diet irn bru though no explanation needed
Hi knowitall558.
I don't know what kind of personality/dubbie your former friend is (the smug, self-righteous type or more of a normal human), but if she is anything like how I was, she'd be internally conflicted and hate being so impolite for the sake of obeying a rule to 'do the right thing.'
It used to really stress me out shunning people. I may not have agreed with their actions that got them DFed and I may not have wanted to get into conversation with them, but not acknowledging their existence with even a cool/distant 'hello' and nod used to really screw me up inside. She's squashing basic normal courtesy - basic Christian courtesy even - Jesus himself talked with 'outcasts.'
Presumably the traffic goes in both directions - she has to have her back to someone LMAO
edmond dantes
Watch out for her spinning in the middle of the road to face the opposite direction when you are motoring towards her. Those lolipop sticks have a long reach and have a habit of knocking children on the head if it"s done too quickly.Also watch out for the end of the stick, many a motorist"s car has been whacked if they are rushing to go through.
Best thing to do is ,five minutes before the kids come out of school go and chat to her about interesting subjects like why the Whacktower is a load of cobblers.
The schools have just broken up for the easter hols for 2weeks. I have considered drawing attention to it , to the people who matter , but is that me just being malicious ? I travel the same way every day and watch how she conducts her business with other drivers while ushering the children across. There is always a marked difference when she notices its me. Maybe as AnnOMaly pointed out, shes just extremely uncomfortable with the whole shunning thing particularly as we were close right up until 6months ago when i D'ad. My hubby thinks its an interesting story for the local newspaper.........wot you think? A step too far ?