Your input to this thread has been very much appreciated by at least myself thanks Purps........Homey
some interesting stuff you've posted !
by minimus 177 Replies latest jw friends
Your input to this thread has been very much appreciated by at least myself thanks Purps........Homey
some interesting stuff you've posted !
Doe, I'm starting to reconsider our relationship. If that is the kind of woman you want, we have nothing to discuss.
Articulate, intelligent, creative, with a distinct moral compass and strong convictions? You bet I'd want that.
Hmmm if my addiction was keeping my food down, you might be on to something.
good one.
"In her journal circa 1928 Rand quoted the statement, "What is good for me is right," a credo attributed to a prominent figure of the day, William Edward Hickman. Her response was enthusiastic. "The best and strongest expression of a real man's psychology I have heard," she exulted. (Quoted in Ryan, citing Journals of Ayn Rand, pp. 21-22.)"
good one.
Trust me sixer. Put the joint down and it won't seem half as clever.
I'll make a blank statement and ask who here thinks making pot legal and have it commercialized and regulated like the way alcohol is
a good idea for the betterment of the population in general ?
my vote is : no
If someone could get enough THC into their system, would anything you've ever said seem clever, John?
Homerovah, I don't agree. Decriminalizing pot would allow us to pull untold billions out of the DEA, and would also result in far less money being spent on prison sentences and upkeep. Furthermore, we would have a regulated industry subject to taxation, so instead of having a huge expenditure, we would have an income. With proper education, people would be able to make informed decisions regarding what they do, and we would increase the freedom of the individual without unduly burdening society. It would pretty much be a win win.
Come back Purps, I have no desire to spar with Doe. Sorry you find us so intolerable.
Come back Purps, I am completely unable to spar with Doe. Sorry you find us so intolerable.
Fixed that for ya.