Man, I always felt like a complete idiot!! Dressing up in a suit riding around with a carload of other "Stoopid" people speaking "Stoopid" shit! WTF was I thinking???
Did you feel "Stoopid" when going out in service?
by Quirky1 25 Replies latest jw friends
I WAS/am stupid!
wha happened?
Only when I had to hold up an issue of the Awake featuring Menopause.
I'm always reading and keeping up with world events. Most JW's didn't so whenever we were called down on a point I was ok when I answered. When my partner or ex wife opened their mouth, I certainly felt stoooooopid
oh yeah... I hated every second of field service. Even (and especially) when I was a regular pioneer. I did it because that is what I thought God wanted me to do. Ironically, I often admitted this fact from the platform, even during public talks... I would say "we go out in service because that is what Jehovah expects of us...but you reallylike it?" long pause..... "cause I gotta tell's just not a natural thing to go knocking on strangers doors to talk about an unpopular topic..... and to be honest...I really hate knocking on doors." {{gasp}}.....from the audience...I could always tell who the elders were in a cong I was visiting...their eyes would bug out.... and then the nervous twitter of I let them in on the joke...
"and yet brothers and sisters, we go out in service because we looove Jehovah....right?" Then everyone relaxes as they zone back into their Borg-induced coma..... and yet I would get invited back repeatedly..... to tell more zingers like that one....
...zingers such as the times during a public talk when I called certain unannounced shepherding calls ... "Gestapo Visits".....yeah that was fun I counseled the elders from the platform to show kindness by scheduling an appointment...... (something the Society told them and often was ignored...gotcha calls were a power play)...those talks always got the loudest applause and best response...well, except for most of the elders...and I still got invited back...go
so yeah...I hated service....fake doorbell ringing....light by myself...volunteer to drive the group....suggest return visits and coffee breaks (once I figured out that taking the breaks got me out of door knocking, I quit criticizing the long breaks).... offer to "go back and get the car" (which was parked a block or two away)... offer to keep the car warmed up/cooled down..... yeah...I got out of a lot of conversations at the door doing those
Snakes ()
Yes, I could not stand it. I esp hated it when we worked a neighborhood that I knew people. I would def dodge their house and always hoped they where not outside so I would not be seen. I should have realized back then how stupid service was, mabe I would not have wasted so many years.
In the winter when everyone was inside staying warm, we where trudging throught snow and ice to get the lated WT rag in their hands. The poor sisters would have to wear dresses and the temp would be in the single digits, oh yea I was one of those poor saps-ha. I guess Forest Gump summed it up pretty good, "Stupid is as Stupid does".
no more kool aid
Yes, especially in extreme weather or with a small child. Special brand of stoopid.
I disliked door to door, but I did not mind calling back on people who were interested or conducting bible studies. I would just ask people point blank at the door if they wished they could find more time to study the bible.........I had at least one person every day who wanted to and I would ask them if they had a bible question they had no one ever be able to answer. That always was enjoyable, a nice discussion, no WT books, just their Bible. I had so many calls and studies that I did not have to do much D2D.
I did though dislike calling on kids I went to school with. But they never treated me bad then or later at school just the opposite, I was noticed more.
no i did not feel stoopid....i had all the answers......but i did feel like a fool and ashamed everytime i called on a classmate.....esp from fith grade onward......geeze my dad always got territory in my school zone!!!!!.......dammit...........oompa
More like embarrassed (I don't think I spelled that right, but i'm tired). Anyway it was torture for me and I hated every second. You have no idea how many asthma attacks I faked to get out of meetings and fs . Oh and I've never had a bible study I'm proud to say.
I never had a "book" study. But I did study the Bible with people. Very few were baptized though. I never was very good at getting people to follow the WTS line.