Did you feel "Stoopid" when going out in service?

by Quirky1 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw
    I never had a "book" study. But I did study the Bible with people

    Blondie, I really tried at one time to read the bible but it never held my interest. I have no idea why but every time I just couldn't get through it. It made no sense to me, it was not interesting and I love to read. So I gave up and I will never try again.

    I guess I'm just not a bible person


  • verystupid77

    I hate to attmit it now, but I loved it. I thougt that we had the truth and that everyone needed to hear it. After learning the truth about the truth how stupid was I. Yeh do you want to come to the Kingdom Hall and maybe have a pedophile hug your kids. Yeh we have two in our hall, but no one knows nor am I allowed to tell after all they have been cured by Holly Sprit. How can you invite someone to come to that. The pedophile are the most out going would't you know it. I think the elders love that too that way they do not have to meet the new ones let pedo's do it for them. It makes me sick. vs77

  • JimmyPage

    Taking breaks in restaurants all dressed up on a Saturday morning made me want to crawl under a rock. Give me T-shirts or give me death.

  • Finally-Free

    Some days I liked service, other days I didn't. I always liked the coffee breaks though.

    I didn't mind dressing up, and I still like to on occasion.


  • survived75

    I was just a kid but I faked knocked at doors very quietly so no one could hear even if they were at home.

    I also looked around the street to make sure no one I knew was around . I also did this before I went into the hall. I didn't want anyone from school to see me and know I went to the KH.

  • oompa
    survived 75...I was just a kid but I faked knocked at doors very quietly so no one could hear even if they were at home.

    i too was a fake knocker...and i liked it way more than fake knockers i have encounters since....real knockers are way better than fake knockers...imo...........oompa

  • survived75

    Too Funny Oompa! ( I thought I was the only "fake knocker" out there. )

  • four candles
    four candles

    No you're not,survived,I too was a fake knocker. Didn't like FS at all. When someone said they were not interested I used to say 'Ok,I'll see you another time then' and go. The bro I was working with said...why didn't you try to win him round?...daft question!! Householders who were obviously not interested just didn't want their time wasting and I respected that.

    Although,wwhen I did go quickly,some people said...'Is that it?' so I'd say,yeah you're not interested so i'm off.....................in the end a few good conversations were started,and not always about the bible,I'd talk about music,guitars,football etc.....great fun.

  • celtic_snow

    yes i did, i hated it as it was so local to where the kids that made my life a misery at school lived, i remember how mortified id be if they opened the door or was lurking in the background knowing that on the monday morning the whole cycle of having the kids at school at me again was gonna start, and i also hated how they wudnt take no not interested for an answer, they always believed that somehow they had something so good to say that theyd always talk them into listening, im sure half them that bought the w/t and awake did so to get rid of them quick....funny how the line im sorry im df has them running from the door

  • lisavegas420
    Too Funny Oompa! ( I thought I was the only "fake knocker" out there. )

    Nope you and Oompa weren't the only ones. Theres a name for it PDK (Pretend Door Knockers) I did it to.

    I remember telling my parents that I hated going out in the field service, because I wasn't confident in what I was trying to say/teach. My mom said..."We have the Truth, so even the little you know is more than the householder knows." That might have helped until I went to the next house and PDK'd again.


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