Hi im New around here

by Ian99000310 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ian99000310


    Firstly let me explain my standing

    Over the years i have been priviledged and i have had many life experiances.

    I have read the qu'ran and prayed in a mosque.

    I have read the Bible and prayed in a church i have also served in a church in a choir.

    I have been to catholic, methodist and church of england churches trying to find the truth.

    I believe in christ i believe in god.

    This year i have had a particular hard time with my life and recieved an invite to the memorial service.

    I had every intention of going along (let me state i am not a JW)

    I am intrested in searching for myself and for the true love of our god.

    And how best in my life i can be true to god.

    I am a free thinker and for me the bible not only has instructions on how to be true but can and will always be interpreted in many ways. this does not mean anyone can say the other is incorrect.

    We are getting closer to a united church... there will always be sepretists and people who choose to follow on different paths and this neither wrong or right.

    I have started to read the WT bible and see many scriptures that are in the same vain as in the original first English translation. Isn't it amazing that if you change one or two words literiture can be interpreted differently.

    I think personally the JW people are beautiful and embrace god in there lives. And for this they should not be knocked in fact i implore all those who have been involved with the WT in the past to be more tolerant in a true christian manner. Not everyone can be right. I assume many of you are good people and because of your up bringings many of you have lived fulfilled lives.

    I would love to be embraced by the JW faith not because i am following but rather i like them are seeking to find the truth. One problem with this is that already i cannot follow all the intepretations. somethings are personal and are between me and god.

    im not going to start lambasting and like i said to be embraced as a lover of god and be welcome into Kingdom Halls because of my love would be amazing... I have a favorite quote from the unrecognised gospel of St thomas

    "break a stick and im there lift a stone and you will find me"

    "If those who lead you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is in and around you. When you know your selves, then you will be known, and you will be aware that you who the sons of the living Father. But if you do not know your selves, you are in poverty, and you who are the poverty."

    would i be excpeted in the faith? Is there room for intepretation on a personal level?

    god is a loving god god is a forgiving god....

    If i choose to save a life through blood that is between me and him... god believes all LIFE is precious and should be PRESERVED...

    some of my intepretations will not nessacerily fall in line with the WT...But surely there love for me and for christians allows for this.

    The point im making is are the arms of the WT still open now that i have laid my heart out?

    If they are not then i believe you are losing something special.

  • still_in74

    no they are not.

    if you believe you can make any interpretation of scripture then you are greedily applying the role of the F&DS to yourself. This is apostasy.

    Any interpretation a JW has of any scripture MUST be that of the present teaching of that scripture by the WTS. Any JW that thinks differently is rejecting Jehovahs channel and is a apostate. Accroding to the WTS you are now an agent of Satan.

  • watson

    I think you should accept the invitation. You will find it interesting. Not sure it will be "your thing..."

  • Ian99000310

    Still_in 74


    so because i come freely in the forum to discuss my life and my beliefs i become an apostate?

    Let me ask you this

    " If god Appeared to you as angel would you shun him?"

    "If god spoke with you would you turn away your ear"

    Im here to be accepted but my own dealings wth god are my own...

    as are yours...

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks for the invite but no.

  • Ian99000310

    but no what?

  • lavendar

    Hello Ian and welcome.

    If you choose to delve deeper into the teachings and beliefs of the Watchtower Organization, you will soon find out members are NOT allowed to have their own interpretations. You will be taught you must conform to the WTS's interpretation. That is ONE of the many methods of mind control that they employ.

    All the best to you! :o)

  • leavingwt

    "We're all stocked up."

  • Ian99000310

    seems as though i came to the wrong place...

  • mrsjones5

    Not interested...been there, done that

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