Hi im New around here

by Ian99000310 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Welcome to the board.

    You should attend the Memorial to see for yourself how JWs treat the ransom of Christ. You can pick up some of their other literature and learn more about their teachings as well. You can even arrange a Bible study with a JW member if you wish. You can do these things without committing to becoming a Witness.

    But I'm afraid your inquisitive nature and independant spirit would not be welcome among JWs as they adhere to WT dogma as prescribed by the Governing Body of the religion. They allow no room for independent interpretations.

    I wish you well on your journey to learn more about JWs. I hope you share your experiences with us as they proceed.

  • Ian99000310


    Your responses are confussing and not helping...

  • ninja

    Ian....you are not like the JW's...you are seeking for truth....they have found it...therefore won't listen to anything outside their bubble.......if you were to have any independent thinking you would be booted out....welcome to the forum btw....ninja

  • mrsjones5

    an open heart and mind with a dash of independance do not mix well with a closed religious organization.

    You need to do more research on the Watchtower.

  • villabolo

    Welcome to JWN Ian. Unfortunately you will find that the JW religion is as absolutely intolerant of other faiths and beliefs as you can get. This includes your liberal beliefs which they would find detestable. Get a copy of their book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, a story book for children and open it up to pages 208 and 209. In one picture that speaks a thousand words you will find what they think of everyone that is not a JW.

  • watson


    This is a discussion board. All kinds come here. I think most of us thought you were asking if you should attend the memorial. Again, I say yes. You seem like a real seeker. You should be exposed to the Watchtowers version of the truth about God. If you want to be a part of the Watchtower/Jehovah's Witnesses, then you will need to stop seeking.


  • rebel8


    You're not in the wrong place here [this forum], but you'll be in the wrong place there [JW place of worship].

    JW is not a religion that allows members to have different beliefs or interpretations. In fact you will not be allowed to interpret the Bible on your own without the aid of Watchtower publications.

    You will be scorned if you keep saying you're going to Heaven when you die.

    Your personal life, including your sex life, will be subject to many rules. This runs the gamut--from celebrating your Birthday to hanging a windchime to encouraging your kids to go to college.

    If you attend tonight, you will experience a phenomenon known as love bombing [Google that term]. In the beginning of your affiliation, everything will be warm and fuzzy and the negative parts of the JW lifestyle will be hidden from you. Once you formally affiliate, you will be subject to ritual shunning if you fail to live up to the many expectations and rules. Your friends will no longer speak to you at all.

    If you want tolerance, personal growth, and fulfillment, try a mainstream church instead of a high-control group.

  • iknowall558

    welcome ian you seem to be a very honest person and will find that being a free thinker is something that you have in common with everyone who posts on this forum. This is the reason why most are not JWs now , because as you asked...there is no room for interpretation on a personal level. Jws are expected to go along with all teachings of the jw organization whether they agree with them or not, regardless of what they read in the Bible and regardless of whether you know it to be wrong or not. As a JW you are expected to "fall in line with the WT". Many , many of the JW people are lovely , kind people who do truly have a love for God and usually you will find that the criticism is mostly directed not to individuals but toward the organization itself and what it does to people and how it makes them behave. You said you are searching for the "TRUTH", but please believe me when I say you wont find it with JWs......too many people on here will testify to that. The only truth is to be found in the bible itself . You will see at John14;6 that Jesus is the truth. The JW orgs. arms are always outstretched ready to welcome anyone into their fold , but only on their terms. They wont offer you freedom but enslavement....to their rules, their teachings and their organization.

  • betterdaze

    Welcome, Ian99000310! Peace to you on your spiritual journey, glad you found us.

    would i be excpeted in the faith? Is there room for intepretation on a personal level?

    The point im making is are the arms of the WT still open now that i have laid my heart out?

    Sadly, both answers are No.

    I'd be interested to hear your interpretation of the Jehovah's Witness Memorial experience, vis-a-vis your sincere and broad-based religious background.

  • Ian99000310

    I had every intention of going along

    quote from original post"

    Due to staff illness i have had to work and so was unable to attend. However this does not stop my curiosity.

    "If you want to be a part of the Watchtower/Jehovah's Witnesses, then you will need to stop seeking"

    Surely you haven't stopped seeking? even if we had all of eternity do you think we would get to know god?

    Please let me ask

    Back when the bible study group started and shortly after the JW's came into being do you honestly think the Vatican let the bible study group have Everything?

    they have scrolls that have never made it out of the vatican because they would damage the church and change the way in which the masses are controlled.

    Maybe i feel the way in which JW live there lives is the correct way mostly but somethings are down to personal descion and conscience thats what makes us human.

    Jehovah (god Allah and other names) knows of our flaws he created us... but i cannot believe that he would love me anyless for saving the life of my child... or for having an education (just two points off hand) or for having a heart that wants to love and TRY to better understand him and embrace him.

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