All I know is that the hostages are safe, 3 pirates are dead and 1 is in custody!
How Should We Deal With "Pirates"?
by minimus 116 Replies latest jw friends
All I know is that someone in high places took my suggestion. Just you wait for the details; you'll be hearing more about "exploding parrots".
Don't tell Finally Free or Rocco.
Barbie Doll
minimus-----If you care about humans life, is that the way you feel about the Pirates too? They need, to take them OUT.
John Doe----Sometimes the Pirates will kill the hostages, before running.
Cameo-d----I would not eat the Fish.
It is a good ending to the hostage situation for the American. It wasn't so good for the Frenchman and his family.
Piracy has been going on for years and the biggest problem is, ransoms have been paid. Extreme amounts of money making it worthwhile for someone who has nothing to live for in the first place. Some pirates die and killing those that are apprehended will not stop piracy. It just creates pirates with a better plan to insure they don't get killed.
If everyone tells a pirate they will not give in to extortion, (money for a life) hostage dies and you die, then maybe piracy will eventually end.
Looks like Western shipping is getting it's just deserts.
If the preceding article is true, perhaps the best way to deal with this is to negotiate with the clans, and prevent exploitation of Somalia's waters without their permission
.There was a documentary on television a number of months ago that told the story about the waters being used and polluted around Somalia and it boiled down to the fact that there was nothing being done to the pirates because nobody wanted the story behind it to get out to the public. Piracy has been increasing steadily however, not one country has really bothered to put an end to it and one always has to ask 'why'. sammieswife
Looks like Western shipping is getting it's just deserts.
If the preceding article is true, perhaps the best way to deal with this is to negotiate with the clans, and prevent exploitation of Somalia's waters without their permission.
There was a documentary on television a number of months ago that told the story about the waters being used and polluted around Somalia and it boiled down to the fact that there was nothing being done to the pirates because nobody wanted the story behind it to get out to the public. Piracy has been increasing steadily however, not one country has really bothered to put an end to it and one always has to ask 'why'. Sammieswife
So please tell us why the west deserves to be attacked by a group whose biggest accomplishments are learning to put a bone through their nose or extend their necks with rings.
Specifically, are you saying that these pirates are attacking due to pollution of their waters (the ships are in "Somali waters"?) and that they bring the ransom money back and feed the poor?
I say the West should land some overwhelming force and clean up that very backward part of the continent.
Thank God for the Americans!!!
First of all no one said that anyone had the right to attack anyone elses ships. However your racist rant is offensive . Somolians have never extended their necks with rings (that is the Padaung tribe in northern Thailand) nor have they ever put bones through their noses. Your comment is part of the reason so much of the world view us with contempt. By the way I am an American
racist bigot's will always listen to one sided propaganda before opening their mouths to utter their ignorance.
These kind of people always have to feel that they are "better" than someone else; that they are more deserving to life than others.
Marjoe, your attitude sucks.
Past the ad hominem attack (brilliant, that), what is the answer?
You’re comparing putting a man on the moon to a bone in the nose and want to call them “equal” ‘cause it makes you feel good?
Whilst attacking me, you seemed to miss my request for information.