One time I gave a talk and an elder had his outline right out there, which to me was a bit much.
He approached me afterward to ask why I added additional info not contained in THAT outline.
I pointed out that I covered the ENTIRE outline and I added my examples or illustrations to
make the points easier to comprehend. He didn't like the answer. He was an oldtime PO.
So I looked at him and told him if he didn't like my talks, I simply wouldn't come back.
He told his elders and one of them called me directly and apologized for the PO's behavior,
saying merely that he's just like that (minimus ).
The article explained how the Anointed 'know' they are such in a way that the average JW can
understand and accept ... as it is the only article of its kind I could ever find ... and if more JWs
had read the article, there would be at least 100,000 or more Anointed today, which would begin
to seriously challenge the Watchtower theory on the limitation to only 144,000. The School Overseer
just stood there, speechless, and never challenged again ( Amazing).