My Father has just past away

by caliber 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Aw Cal...Im so sorry for your loss. I too, love God, and have totally turned myself off of ALL religions because in my opinion, they dont have a CLUE who God really is, and Im not saying that I now DO...Im saying he cannot be defined within the confines of some dogma or within pages of a book, or walls of a building, or in repetitive prayer and supplication.

    But I believe in Him now more than I ever did as a JW. Odd thing that.

  • Narkissos

    Sincere condolences caliber.

  • mouthuy

    My condolences You see that the real GOD is giving you the comfort you need at this moment.
    My deepest sympathy in your loss.But I believe if he was a good man, that his heart on inspection
    From CHRIST!!!!!will pass the threshold of earth & enter into a better place .
    No Pain,no tears, no suffering.
    Keep the good memories of him close to you

    God bless


  • caliber

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.

    thanks to all... your few but kind words all mean the world to me right now......


  • sspo

    My condolences..... i know what you're going thru and the reason for fading and not DF or DA

  • Lady Lee
  • Finally-Free

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I lost my Dad in 2001 and my Mom in 2006. Both of these passings had a very profound and lasting effect on me, and I still miss both of them terribly. I wish my non JW Dad could have known that I left the JWs. As for my Mom, our relationship actually improved after I left the JWs. Of course, that's not the norm.

    My thoughts are with you.


  • Colton

    To lose a parent is extremely difficult. I pray that you'll find peace of mind and comfort through your friends and family. My deepest condolences in your time of grief.

  • Robdar

    My condolences to you on the loss of your father.

  • BluesBrother

    Sorry for your loss Caliber, and it is all the harder when everybody else is talking of their J W faith...

    hope you get through it OK

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