Crazy... Bumping!!
1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans
by JimmyPage 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Captain Blithering
Outstanding OP, im gonna check which version I've got! Man, it'd be great if the KH library had the old version too... Come to think of it there's a pile of old books for the taking, someone must've died..
publications come and go, but the Bible remains
This is a funny quote from an apologist a few pages back defending the changes to the Truth Book.
Well, I guess the Bible needed some updatin' too lol
Brothers and sisters, do not rely on your faulty memories of what you wrongly thought was in those old publications; instead update those memories by consulting the latest editions!
LoisLane looking for Superman
How outrageously, deceitful, the Governing Body of the Watchtower are.
What they are watching out for, is that NOBODY fools with their ego's and retirement plans! lol
They are abusive. There are 7 ½ million JW's that have Stockholm Syndrome!
Wake up. WAKE UP!
LoisLane ... Not a captive, any longer.
Witness My Fury
Let's review: It's a cult!
The red pill and the blue pill, represent the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).
How did we fall for all this? JW’s have an almost childlike sense of trust and naiveté that they bestow upon their imperfect leaders. And millions today are still doing that. A small child eventually learns and matures through life experiences, and can distinguish right from wrong. But many JW’s seem to just continue to have this “hope” that they have somehow managed to land in the only one “true religion.”
My favorite follow-up question to JW deniers:
"Okay, then what exactly WAS special about 1975, then?"
And another follow-up, "What was wrong with the FIRST TIME it ended?"
Reference to the fact that this SAME statement was first given about the date 1873/74.
(The Watchtower, 15 July 1894, p.1675)
The Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1894, p.1675
- "For instance, as we look back and note that the Scriptures marked 1873 as the end of six thousand years from Adam to the beginning of the seventh thousand, and the fall of 1874 as the beginning of the forty-year harvest of the Gospel age and day of wrath from the overthrow of all the institutions of 'this present evil world (or order of affairs),' we can see that facts have well borne out those predictions of Scripture."
Also note: