as some may know,
my youngest, now 15 YO,
is a female to male
transgender boy.....
he has been active with
GLSEN, a policy activist group
for over a year now, attended
leadership training conferences
in boston and philly...
this past march, he and i
both were selected from
over 600 applicants to
attend the Safe Schools
Advocacy Summit in D.C.
we spent 3 days in traiining
in order to be prepared to
lobby with our state's legislators,
culminating in 81 legislative visits
on "lobby" day....
the local paper is interviewing us
at his school, and i am pretty certain
the resulting article will be the death knell
to what, heretofore, as been an uneventfuf fade....
i am pretty sure publically declaring
policy activism is enough, but whoooo
weeeee baby, throw in a fully affirmed
and supported transboy....
well, those dots pretty much connect themselves!!
since i refuse to acquiesce to b0rg control
in terms of a DA, seems i will join the ranks
of DFs.....
wish me luck, peeps.....
ETA: my son was one of 3 students selected
to meet with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
while we were in washington... i cannot tell you
how proud i am of all he is doing to make schools
safer for every student....