I was surprised to learn about their blood policy 'new light' now allowing for 'fractions'. Yeah... I've been surprised a lot lately. I started getting a headache just reading it! Anyone who was in before this I would imagine has a hard time with it (... or maybe they're somewhat relieved?).
Their blood policy was another reason I never joined as I couldn't reconcile it with the Bible. This is how I thought of it.....
Most JWs use the Acts scripture 'abstain from blood' as their reasoning. Ok, so doesn't it follow then that if you are to voluntarily stay away from blood that you should remove the blood from your body? Wouldn't this be the ultimate adherence to this scripture as per their interpretation?
I find that the policy doesn't reconcile with Leviticus 17:14 'for the life of all flesh is the blood'. In essence, their blood policy is denying them the right to life.
Just one of the many messed up policies they developed (continue to develop?) in an attempt to convince people they are God's one true religion.