The coming Death of Simon's Board?

by Mindchild 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Well Fred has my vote for Board moderator.

    Any post not alluding to cats, litter trays or his 'ass' will be instantly intercepted and removed.


  • Mindchild

    Simon, I've heard there is a program that allows web communties to smoke out multiple accounts but I don't know what the name of it is. You could possibly design something into the rating system that makes it impossible to rate your own posts. I really don't think there are more than just a few people that would go to such lengths to grandstand and in time it would be clear that they were a sham.


  • Simon

    I think the thing to do would be to try it out and monitor it to make sure it had the intended effect.

    It would never replace the human intervention but would reduce the amount of work required and allow more people to be supported.

  • Fredhall


    With all the morons on this site, you target me (not a moron) in your long sissy post. Does this mean I suppose to take crap from others? And they can't take crap from me? If you and other sissies can't deal with me then don't come here. And talking about H20? YOU belong there! YOU know those moderators got their heads up their asses. Why? Because they can't handle reality and crap from others too. What a bunch of sissies.

  • hillary_step


    You offer some excellent suggestions many of which I agree with.

    My worry with such on-line venues, and this is a concern that is unique to XJW's in may ways is the impression given to lurkers of what life as an XJW is like.

    Imagine a lurker, with curious doubts in heart, coming to this board the past couple of days. What he sees validates all the WTS says about life outside the 'Organization'. Moderation would make this board more user-friendly.

    Now many argue that this board was not set up to put people right about the WTS but is a simple discussion Board for people who were once welded together by a common belief to share their lives. This may be true in practice, but in reality we bear a heavy responsibility for what might happen to those effected by our posts and words. I wrestle with this discomfort daily.

    The last time this issue was raised the majority consensus of the Board was that they are quite happy with the way that it is run now. My own vote was and is for reasonable moderators whose concern is to stop posts that are obviously mischievous in motive, from developing into ‘Board wars’. We have seen the result on one poster recently who was left deeply disturbed by these events.

    Another point that needs to be made that I have made before but will repeat is that I know for a fact that these Boards are tracked by the WTS. I cannot tell you how I know, and whether you choose to believe what I say or not is something I cannot influence. However, that is why I have often been disturbed when sensitive information is regarding leaked ‘before its time’, often in the spirit of the ‘I found it first’ scenario. This serves the WTS very well and allows Legal to plan for the future. I am not suggesting that anything but self-moderation should influence this situation, but is as well to be reminded every so often.

    Thank you Mindchild for raising this subject -- HS

  • Mindchild

    Freddie, okay let me give some attention to your arguement. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have singled you out for an example of a troll but personally I thought you enjoyed that distinction. If you don't want to be considered a troll, perhaps I can help you change your board image.

    I don't think anyone should have to take crap from anyone else unless they want to do this kind of thing. CrapRus fans should have a section on the board to fight to their heart's content and if the rest of us want to amuze ourselves with their antics then we can go over and watch the show.

    What I don't like Fred is people giving people crap who don't like it. Now you have actually mellowed out a bit over the years and are not as offensive as you used to be but there are a few people around here that have the art of irratation down to an art and love to insert their misery into innocent victims. I say these bugs need to be sent to their own playroom and play with the other bullies. May they all infest and degrade each other to their hearts content and maybe the script from their droppings can be used for a new sitcom series and they will all become famous and millionaires

    Just send me my cut for suggesting it huh?


  • patio34

    Hi Mindchild,
    Your ideas would certainly seem to lend to the evolution of this board as a civil place all of the time. The Adults and Disagreement area was meant for that. It does seem that some come on here for no other reason than to incite a riot.

    I like the idea of the branching as happens in real evolution. The temporary nature of the jurors would also stem the forming of cliches.

    HS, Your concerns about the lurkers who come here and see the dirty linen hung out is understandable. However, I tend to shy away from the view that any of us are responsible for what others do. It sounds too much like the bloodguilt theology of WTS. What is, is.

    This is a verrry in-ter-est-ing thread.

    Cheers and Felicitations!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Do it.DOIT.

    These ridiculous "quotation war"posts that go on for days and days
    seem pointless to me,but those who dont want to look at them dont have to. If YouKnow and Larc want to spend eternity quoting passages at each other, who cares?
    I read 4 "slave" posts then stopped.if he wants to drop one line bait let him.
    The ONLY thing that needs stamping off this board is those people who look for a wounded soul who then tear em apart.I mean hurting people.
    People use these multiple accounts for just this purpose,giving the appearance that there is mass opinion against the others position.
    Aw hell..Just make me Lord of the board. I'll clear the bastards out.

  • SixofNine

    Sheesh MindChile, what kinda fackall meme has gotten holta you? This board is just starting to work like a well old machine, and now you wanna toss a wrench in the monkey?

  • Mindchild

    Hi HS,

    I can understand your concerns about impressions that this board and others give to lurkers but my own stance on this issue has been softening over the years. I've heard the arguement that we are scaring the dubs into remaining dubs or that support boards are really not giving support but in fact are turkey shoots for the sensitive newcomers. I have also heard the arguement that we are now in the real world and the real world isn't the nice place we all want it to be. We should in fact expose ourselves to some reality and realize we are neck deep in each others crap. Well, I think the truth is somewhere between both of those viewpoints. I hope that someday some ex-dub will do a rating system of the various ex-JW online communities that shows the general theme. I would have to say that the board we are now using is rated R but there are plenty of G posters and readers here as well.

    The problem also exists in that for many of us, this is our home away from home. We want to find a place we can fit in and be welcomed. We don't want to wear masks and always have our hair up and our teeth brushed. I can handle reality just as well as anyone else but my main bitch is that I've seen the Wild West become the Civil War and everyone dies. There are a lot of people who don't have the maturity to realize that and you have to do something to keep them from peeing in the pudding

    Maybe you are right that these boards are monitored by the WTS. They should have reason to fear what apostates have become...a people not ashamed of being apostate and people who are vocal and passionate about hypocracy.

    About the majority rule as you are right. I know this issue has been brought up before and it is sad that nobody realizes that dam has broke until they are knee deep in water.

    Hey Pat, thanks for your input as well.


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