51% of Democrats Say Humans to Blame for Global Warming

by leavingwt 29 Replies latest social current

  • ninja


  • ninja

    never heard of el ninjo or la ninja

  • beksbks


    Wilkins Ice Bridge Collapse 04.08.09

    A narrow ice bridge connecting Charcot Island and Latady Island -- the last remnant of the northern part of Antarctica’s Wilkins Ice Shelf -- broke apart in early April 2009. These photo-like images, from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), show the break-up of the ice bridge.

    In the lower image, taken by the MODIS instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite on March 31, 2009, the ice bridge was still intact. The ice appears to be smooth, an unbroken surface. Less than a week later, late on April 6, the MODIS instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured the top image. The smooth bridge is gone, replaced by chunks of ice. The breakup was initially observed in radar imagery by the European Space Agency.

    The pieces of the former ice bridge join multiple other chunks of ice formed as the northern portion of the ice shelf broke apart throughout the previous decade. The broken pieces of the shelf have remained frozen in place since 1998, but now that the ice bridge no longer provides a barrier, the remnants of the ice shelf may flow out into the Southern Ocean. A careful comparison of the two images reveals that some of the ice nearest the bridge shifted between March 31 and April 6.

    Cracks that formed in the ice shelf below and right of the bridge in late 2008 expanded after the ice bridge broke and the remnant ice nearest the shelf shifted away, says Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center. These changes are emphasized by differences in light between the two images. The Sun was low in the sky on April 6. The clouds cast long shadows on the ice beneath. By contrast, the Sun was relatively high, and the light more direct on March 31. Fewer shadows outline the topography on March 31. The low Sun angle highlights cracks in the ice in the April 6 image. The cracks were first seen in radar images collected by the European Space Agency, and were evident on November 26, 2008.

    Many factors contributed to the collapse of the northern portion of the ice shelf, including brine on the ice, physical stresses on the shelf, and warming temperatures, says Scambos. Throughout 2008, parts of the ice shelf (formerly to the left of the bridge) broke away. The ice bridge had been the last intact portion of the northern edge of the ice shelf. The southern portion of the Wilkins Ice Shelf (part of which appears in the lower right corner of the images) is still intact, but may be more vulnerable now that the northern edge has disintegrated.

    What is the significance of the disintegration of the northern portion of the Wilkins Ice Shelf? The collapse of the ice shelf will not contribute to sea level rise, since the ice had already been floating on the water. When other ice shelves such as the Larsen, have collapsed, they allowed glaciers to pump more ice into the ocean at a faster rate, which did contribute to sea level rise. The Wilkins Ice Shelf, however, does not buttress any major glacier, says Scambos. The Wilkins Ice Shelf is the tenth major ice shelf to collapse in recent times, another sign that warming temperatures are impacting Earth’s fragile cryosphere.

  • beksbks

    They are tiny little versions of the awesomeness that is you Ninja

  • mkr32208

    I'm concerned about global warming but less than about many other things.

    I wish you could start polls on this forum. I wonder what percentage of people here who don't believe in global warming are christians (jesus will take care of it) vs atheist?

  • Gill


    Now do you believe in the Wilkins ice break story in the way that you did before?

    And why should you believe a government agency like NASA who is just going to repeat government led drivvel?

  • Gill

    mkr - I don't believe in global warming and I certainly don't believe that Jesus is going to take care of anything!

    Global warming is a big festering pile of rotting poo poo lie!

    What is really happening to the planet is, and I don't mean that pollution isn't bad when I say this, but climate change is a natural feature of a binary star solar system.

    There is no way that government is really going to tell you what is REALLY going on as they are too busy making preparations to save their own skins!

  • cameo-d

    Gill: I don't believe in global warming and I certainly don't believe that Jesus is going to take care of anything!

    Global warming is a big festering pile of rotting poo poo lie!

    What is really happening to the planet is, and I don't mean that pollution isn't bad when I say this, but climate change is a natural feature of a binary star solar system.

    There is no way that government is really going to tell you what is REALLY going on as they are too busy making preparations to save their own skins!


    Those who want to believe in global warming will remain sheep being led to the slaughter.

    The unsubstantiated theory of global warming is one of the manipulations and ploys to bring about the "wisdom of depopulating the planet". And all those who jump on the bandwagon....what a surprise it will be when you find that your head is on the 'depopulation' chopping block.

  • villabolo

    "And why should you believe a government agency like NASA who is just going to repeat government led drivvel?""

    What's next Gill, the USA never went to the moon?

    Bottom line, there is plenty of documented photographs-media trash reporting not withstanding-of glaciers and the North Polar cap shrinking.

    Nature's reality is the end of all discussion.

  • oompa

    we will all be dead before we ever know if it is in a big UP phase....or a big DOWN phase....so why give a crap?....there is no rectal thermometer for the earth.......oompa

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