51% of Democrats Say Humans to Blame for Global Warming

by leavingwt 29 Replies latest social current

  • villabolo

    Oompa, evidence from ice core analysis shows that transition phases could occur in as little as a few decades, not gradualistic as previously thought. Also, it's not about major ups and downs in mere temperature alone but more importantly a geographical shift in ecozones. We could have our grain growing regions ruined by major dust bowl type situations. Civilizations have collapsed quickly from changes in the weather.

  • beksbks

    Dunno about you Oompa, but I have children. They may have children one day. Even if I didn't, I can't believe you really think we should ignore something so important, just so we can drive Hummers for a few more years. Get a grip people, it's Exxon, the coal companies and the like that don't want to see us do anything about this problem. The lions share of the money is not in the thousands of things we can do to address this problem, it's in the dozens of areas that profit by us NOT addressing it.

  • sammielee24

    Humans cannot keep plundering the earth and expect to exist as they do. Whether or not that's putting garbage into our oceans and then feeding the toxic fish to the kids, or ripping apart the rain forest and destroying an eco system needed to filter the air - things need to change. I don't personally need to think about whether or not I believe in global warming is caused by humans - I believe that as humans we are using the earth as a trash can. If that affects the temperature around us or not is irrelevant - the fact that we are allowed to spit toxic fumes into the air and do nothing about it is relevant. People wearing masks in China because they can't breathe should point to everyone that it is not a case of whether or not global warming exists..it's a matter of survival. If we don't clean up the air, regardless if you want to apply the remedies to global warming or not, sooner or later we will die - and it might be before the ice caps melt. sammieswife.

  • SixofNine
    If that affects the temperature around us or not is irrelevant....

    Maybe to you, but not to your children.

  • SacrificialLoon
    What is really happening to the planet is, and I don't mean that pollution isn't bad when I say this, but climate change is a natural feature of a binary star solar system.

    So, ignoring the fact that the amount of CO2, a proven greenhouse gas is increasing you choose to believe what could best be stated as an unproven hypothesis. There was a hypothesis that the Sun had a red or brown dwarf companion star that caused disturbances in the Oort cloud which sent comets towards the inner solar system which hit the earth periodically and caused the repeated mass extinctions. Nothing was ever mentioned of climate change due to the "Nemesis Star" as it was called. Any gravitational influence on the Earth's orbit from a star that far out would be miniscule, far less than say Jupiter, and Saturn which do change the shape (eccentricity) of Earth's orbit over time.

    Despite repeated searches they've never found the Nemesis star, there is one survey currently underway or soon to be who's name escapes me at the moment that will probably be the last chance of finding any companion star of the Sun.

  • SacrificialLoon

    After some searching Google assisted me in capturing the escaped survey names.

    There were a couple of recent large astronomical surveys recently which turned up nothing.

    2MASS - http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/overview/about2mass.html

    IRAS - http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/IRASdocs/iras.html

    Neither of them found a companion star of the Sun. There was another survey to be done called panSTARRS, but I think that never made it past a proposal.

  • sammielee24
    If that affects the temperature around us or not is irrelevant....

    Maybe to you, but not to your children

    Again - my point is that it is irrelevant as to whether or not humans are to blame - and there is no point to continuing debates on where to point the blame. It is happening - naturally or man made - and it will continue on. The blame is irrelevant when the bigger issue - connected or not - is that humans are destroying the whole planet including the air and the water they need to survive with. If global warming is an offshoot of that destruction then that's what it is. By focusing solely on global warming as a debatable issue, we end up arguing on the basis for that change when instead we should be focusing on a global cleansing of all toxins destroying the planet; on pesticide use; on factory farming; on over fishing; on killing animals for their fur and their organs and so on. Politics and science keep pushing the issue around - if politicians have their way (some of them) global warming will become a non issue regardless of what science might tell them. That might take the issue out of the way but then nobody takes up the rest of the problems that may have been contributing to the issue in the first place.

    As we already know - there are people who believe in oil drilling in wildlife habitats. Major corporations have stripped forests for products all in the name of profit. We have populated mountain regions we shouldn't be in and as a result we spend millions fighting forest fires to save homes and we've decided to build cities within deserts where water is scarce. So my point is that of course I'm concerned, everyone should be by the fact that the core is warming - but - it becomes irrelevant when all other issues remain unaddressed because by ignoring the rest and refusing to work together , should global warming get pushed back, the problems simply compound.

    I do not get worked up over global warming because I realize that without addressing all of the issues that are contributing to a planet that is becoming unsustainable, all we are doing is putting little bandaids on a gaping wound. sammieswife.

  • jeeprube

    Hey, I don't think Gill believes in global warming.

  • SixofNine
    Again - my point is that it is irrelevant as to whether or not humans are to blame -

    Not hardly. If humans are to blame, then humans can and must take actions to quit doing whatever it is that they are doing to cause it. If humans are not to blame, then the only thing that can be done is damage mitigation.

    Anyway, I doubt you're the type of person to stand in the way of positive efforts to end global warming, so cheers; no need to debate.

  • Gill

    Sacrificial Lion - With the greatest respect, you may believe in global warming if you want to!

    As for the Sun being in a binary orbit, NASA accidentally announced that their infra red telescope had picked up the brown dwarf on the edge of the solar system in 1982 and not a word since!

    BUT, the star will be visible from the southern hemisphere by infra red and finally visually as it passes by and that is why there is a scramble in the souther hemisphere to militarise observatorys and potentially why china has taken a high spot in Antarctica to view the brown star.

    The US has spent trillions of your tax dollars preparing underground cities to save their 'elite' and if you follow earthquake and disaster sites and space weather sites you might notice an increase in higher grade earth quakes and also passing asteroids.

    Global Warming is the distraction mechanism to make you think that YOU are responsible for earth changes when infact, there is another more ominous reason.

    The brown star has been observed, announced and quickly brushed under the carpet.

    Makes no difference really as if it causes devastation we're doomed. But hopefully it will be gentle change, pole shift and many will survive.

    Ask yourself why your government is manically preparing for disaster management on a scale never imagined before!

    They KNOW but the rest of us may rather not KNOW! To be quite honest, I'd rather the majority of people knew nothing about this and continued to deny any possibility otherwise the Earth would be plunged into anarchy much sooner than is absolutely necessary!

    I agree with it being kept secret and I like how the human mind of the non thinking majority would choose to dismiss the possibility when the message of the ancients is 'watch out for that brown star! It will be back!'

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