We Adopted A Kitten ...

by snowbird 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ziddina

    BTW, my life has also been graced with doggies - if I could post pix, I'd put up pix of my German Shepherd/Bull Mastiff mix with his snowsuit on - I made a complete wardrobe for the bald brat - we lived in Montana at the time, and he was VERY short-haired, so he had a snowsuit, a coat, a Harley (tm) jacket, and his own (house-level insulated) doghouse. Brat could drag both my husband and I (combined weight of over 300 pounds) at the end of his leash, if he so chose...

    Then there's Sheeba! She's my little baby; a German Shepherd/Border Collie/Blue Heeler/Dalmation/Dingo mix (we think)... She has gone with us on our vacations for the last 4-5 years, and her absolutely most favorite spot in the world is the 75-foot-high waterfall and pool on Lower Calf Creek Falls in Escalant'e, Utah - If ONLY I could post photos! - she is about 14 now, and we don't know how many more times she'll be able to make that 12-mile-hike, but at least it's an easy one...

    So, I love doggies too! And hamsters, and raccoons - rescued one whose entire family had been hit by a car... And deer, and coyotes, and foxes, and so on... Zid

  • snowbird

    Squirt bottles, eh?

    I've got to remember that!


  • Robdar

    Nothing like having a couple of drinks together to bond. When are we going out Rob?

    Hey Beks, look me up if you are ever in the midwest. And I am planning a trip next year. It's a toss up between the west coast and England. It will all depend on the exchange rate. May I contact you if I head west? I think you would be lotsofun.

  • Robdar

    So, I love doggies too! And hamsters, and raccoons - rescued one whose entire family had been hit by a car... And deer, and coyotes, and foxes, and so on...

    Zid, it is wonderful to have another animal lover on the forum. I love the critters too. And fortunately, they love me back.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I love my cat. I adopted her in January 2008 from the shelter. They think she was about 3-4 months old then. I gave her an arbitrary birthdate of September 1, 2007. (it just had the ring of irony). So my cat, Maxine (I call her Max...who names a cat Maxine...that was the shelter's doing) runs the house. She and I have a routine now..maybe I will post pics.. I never did before...

    Snakes ()

    It is not a great pic.. I took it with my webcam when I just got her as a kitten. Even cropped my face..LOL

    Max as a kitten

  • beksbks

    Of course Rob!! Just make sure you notify your next of kin, and I'll do the same

  • Purza

    I have three cats and they have all found me. The latest is from a renter that walked away from their house and left the cat. She is so sweet, but she HATES other cats - so it has been difficult to integrate her into the household.

    I am very happy you rescued a kitten from a shelter. I work for a local government entity that includes an animal shelter. They had a cat fair this weekend because they are overloaded with cats. They couldn't adopt out any cats. That totally breaks my heart. I told the animal control officer not to tell me if they have to euthanize - he said it wasn't their policy - but with the budget issues, they might have to resort to euthanization. So if anyone can find room in their household/heart for another kitty, please get one for a shelter.

    Snowbird, I look forward to seeing your new baby.


  • noni1974

    Ahhh Snakes I remember when you got your kitty. It was shortly after I found my Little Oliver!! Here he is as a kitten.

    Here he is all grown up.

    Snowbird post pictures if you can!! I love babies!!

  • Robdar

    Oliver is awfully cute, Noni. Don't they grow up too fast?

  • Robdar

    The latest is from a renter that walked away from their house and left the cat. She is so sweet, but she HATES other cats - so it has been difficult to integrate her into the household.

    Purza, I recommend Good Cat! You can buy a bottle for about 12 bucks at Petco. It worked so well for my cats I started spiking the water I leave out for the ferals. Even they started getting along better and quit their night time fighting under my bedroom window.

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