What I do know is that there is peace to be found and there love to be had, after the organisation

by LIftsong 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Still Breaking Free
    Still Breaking Free

    I am also a relative new-comer to this site and am completely gob-smacked at the comments I am reading!! It's like a Eureka moment!! So, so many of you are voicing the things that have been going on in my head all my life!!

    Liftsong, you have made several points in just this one thread that have struck a chord with me! Self-esteem, not listening to one's own instinct, feeling of belonging, seeking counselling, getting out of the organisation BECAUSE of one's children to name just a few. I am 44 and left in 2000. Life is still a struggle in many ways, but I have incredibly supportive friends who are moral, loyal, genuine people - something I actually believed at one time was not possible outside the organisation!! They are patient and kind about my funny fears and phobias that I believe are a hangover from my life as a Witness and I don't know what I would do without them. It is, however, a bonus to now be able to talk to people who so obviously completely 'get it' because you have 'been there'.

    As they say: 'onward and upward'!!!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    What a moving thread to open with. Welcome and look forward to your contributions!

  • ziddina

    Wow, Liftsong, thanks for sharing your story! Welcome! If you are thinking about writing a book, it sounds like a good idea. I'd buy a copy! Zid smiley

  • LIftsong

    A eureka moment!! lol I like that!I am so pleased thast you have found detail within our conversation that has given you some form of empathy. Can someone tell me what to the protocol is here? as I want to write back to everyone that has made comments. or do I write back via this forum? Several thoughts have really got me to thinking. Especially ones relating to memories of life as a child within the truth. The first assignment etc. I remember that well! LIfe on the ministry. The circuit assemblies. I would also like to find out more about what you guys think about the spirit realm and the like? Waht do yo belive now? I have very definitive thoughts surrounding this and I am really intersted in the common concencous. Also spirituality. Again I have reached a place that I feel very comfortable with which is something I thought I could ever do. It felt for so long like moving from ones house and setting up home in the middle of a field! Though I guess that is what it was supposed to feel like. How much of the nuances of our every day behaviour has a direct corrolation to our brainwashing and condtionining, a throw back if you like, to our lives within the organisation?

    THere is much I would love to discuss about these subjects with kindred folk and the friends I have found here. Ideally I would love to open a retreat so we can go hide for weekends or a week to just talk and laugh at where we have been and where we are, and really get into the meat of the subjects over candle light and a glass of hearty wine. That would be me ideal evening of entertainment!

  • LIftsong

    I live in London and if anyone would like to meet up at some point for some social time I would be very much open to that?

  • journey-on

    Indeed. Finding this place and opening up to communicating with the wonderful (most of them, anyway) people on this board opens new vistas for expressing yourself. There is no particular protocol for responding. Some respond as you did, by replying to posts throughout the thread. Others feel a need to pm someone with a private thought and friendships are formed on a deeper level this way.

    This board used to be JWD (Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum) and I was much more familiar with how to search for particular threads there. On this new board, I can't find a way to bring up a particular poster's history. Maybe someone else knows how to do that. To me, the old forum was so much easier to navigate. However, you will find that all the things you mentioned above have been discussed many many times and if you can find the time to do it, much insightful and heart-moving experiences can be found through just researching past posts.

    There are Apostafests periodically where some board members get together and enjoy fellowship. I think there is a section for that if you go to "Home" and look. Many may be a bit hesitant to share personal names and such out of caution: #1 just Internet caution and; #2 some are still in the organization for family and would rather not risk being "outed". So, don't be offended if some are hesitant to open up completely. Just know we are all here on this board to help and support and contribute. ..........journey-on

  • littleC

    dad i am so proud of you that brought tears to my eyes reading it, you know what?thankyou more than ever for making that painful choice all those years ago because although i did grow up half asleep-i always had you to tell me the real truth and now its all over and in the past i know that part of who i am is down to that decission you made all that time ago. i wouldnt change any of it for the world. we can finally say WE WON!!! were happy and at peace with ourselves and were stronger than ever xxx

  • LIftsong

    Hey you! That was a shock to see your posting. A shock but also a really wonderful surprise. Yes we won swtp. I hpe you dont me sharing our story but as yo can see, ,I think it has given people real food for thought and some comfort to.

    Dad xxx

  • independent_tre

    Okay, I'm sorry, but i'm crying right now after reading the last 2 posts. I would love to repost this topic for anyone who missed the fact that Little C and Liftsong are Dad and daughter.

    The love you share is beautiful!!

  • nicolaou


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