Saddest day of my life

by WuzLovesDubs 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I am so sorry you have to go through this my love
    Yes I will keep you both in prayer.
    He will get the help he needs .
    Thank God he was smart enough to express his feelings to the counsellor.

    Let us know how his faring goes. (((((((HUGS))) Hang in there
    Your going through a storm, but clouds do pass

  • ex-nj-jw

    I'm glad you persisted in getting him the help he needs. He's in the right place.

    You and your son are in my thoughts, sending you good vibes!


  • snowbird

    What a wonderful group of people!


  • Quirky1

    I'm sorry to hear this WLD.

    I hope the best for you all.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    I am so sorry that your son is in such distress.

    Yet, he is able to recognise that he needs help.That is the first step to recovery.

    You were very proactive in taking him to a counselor.

    x SC

  • BabaYaga

    Oh my heavens I can't imagine your anguish. But at this point Dear One, be thankful! Thankful that you were awesome and perceptive enough to get him the appointment... thankful that they paid attention... thankful that he is still here... and that he will be here and stronger tomorrow.

    Also, please check your PM's... I'm about to go send you one.


  • quietlyleaving

    I'm so glad you followed your instincts. Hugs wuzlovesdubs

  • Mastodon

    It's tough, but look at it this way, it might actually become the best day of your life (in time) for you and your son. First and fore-most, you did great at noticing that help was needed, your son did great by accepting help. You're sad now, but with work, patience and love, both of you will look back on this day as one of the best of your lives. That's what I personally hope for the both of you.

    Good vibes to you both.

  • StAnn

    Wuz, about 15 years ago, I was hospitalized for 15 days. Best thing that could have happened. It is so good to discover that you're not alone and that the way you're feeling is normal, given the circumstances under which you are living.

    I'm praying for you and your son and will continue to do so.

    Keep in mind, he will probably need for you to be in therapy too so that you can support him and learn how best to handle this together as a team. But I'm sure you'll do whatever you need to do.

    I'm so grateful you've done this for your son. My son had a friend who obviously needed help but his parents refused to listen to anybody. He is now dead from suicide. It was so sad.


  • Amazing

    Wuzloves dubs,

    I went though this with my wife ... I recall the very first time I took her the hospital psych ward ... you are in a lot of pain right now ... but your son seems to be in good hands, and he needs you more now than ever ... and you are there for him ... so do not be hard on yourself as this is a time to focus on him, and cut yourself some slack. Continue with your own therapy, as this will allow you to focus on yourself too, and not go through needless torture. I spent 12 years of self-torture before I learned to move forward with this issue. Your description of his reassurance to you seems like he wants the help he is getting, which is good. You are in my prayers ... and we look forward to hearing of his progress.

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