I am so sorry and hope you and he are OK!
Saddest day of my life
by WuzLovesDubs 48 Replies latest jw friends
You have my prayers. Be very glad that he is in treatment and from the sound of it, isn't fighting it. Obviously he needs help. As pointed out above, the good news is he's getting it.
I tried to kill myself about four years ago, and ended up in alcoholism treatment instead. These things don't get better on their own.
Wuz...my heart goes out to you. however, this is a good thing i hope....my son did the exact same thing at 14.....
he is much better now about ten years later....he stayed in an inpatient facility for a month...very rough month....
after a couple of years he was off all meds......i hope your son heals even faster.......take care.....oompa
I have a friend who confided in me that her son went through therapy when in high school. He is now grown and in a prestigious medical school.
Please just assure your son of your love, and his dad's love, even if dad has a problem.
Iam very sorry to hear this stressfull time you are in. Please, keep up the spirit, do not give up. In a large way, thank you for taking action to seek professioinal help at a critical time of urgent need. Thank also to those who have responded to with a pledge to provided needed counseling or support. I think that is so tremedous and an amazing way to show how caring we are for each other. My best wishes and prayer for and the loved son. I hope you make the best of the situation. Please, keep us updated.
I finally got my PMs open...hugs to all of you. I went to our first "family" session which was with a counselor in a small office. The facility is trying hard to be upbeat but its very VERY tight security. Thats good. The kids have a very strict schedule and there are about 10 of them there, all adolescents. They have group, individual, meals, free time, a regular schedule of things they need to do and I brought him some more clothes because his stay is undetermined yet.
His father and I met there...we came in separate cars, and sat in silence in the waiting room for half an hour. We were photographed and all our possessions locked up. We walked across the "campus" to where the adolescents were and were brought into a gathering room where some kids were drawing and there was a TV and many tables. We went into a little office and a lady asked some basic questions and was pretty blunt about it all, but thats what we are there for. She went and got S. He hugged us almost grudgingly and cautiously. He didnt say much and didnt respond directly to anything she asked. So I told him that we were here to learn...to communicate better, to let those things go that are hurting us, to talk if not to each other to SOMEONE but to get the pain out somehow.
His dad commented that S was like his dad and "didnt share his emotions with anyone because" his dad said, "he didnt TRUST anyone to know how he felt about anything because "then they would use it against him" so he told no one...or he would tell total strangers he knew he would never see again." He also said, "I am not surprised you didnt share your feelings with me, but Im also not surprised you didnt share them with your mother." Nice. Well, he and I arent separated after 22 years of marriage because he EVER, not one time, shared how he felt about anything with me...his wife. So... I just sat there and didnt say anything.
Im not about placing any blame during this process. Its time to move forward and fix this, and a time for his dad and I to look at ourselves too. So that cant be a bad thing. It might be a blessing in disguise.
I hated to leave him, but he seemed ok there. And I could see he felt safe there.
love, LD
Hi LD, just got to work and having a coffee (having one with you in spirit), sorry to hear what you are going through. My heart and prayers really do go out to you.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
You've gotten lots of good advice and some really great people reaching out to you here. I'm so glad to hear that he's getting help and that you've shared this with the board.
B the X
I have a 14 year old son and we've been going through similar problems. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry for your agony, but it sounds like you and your son are taking the steps that need to be taken. I cannot imagine for a minute how hard this must be for you and him. Please keep us posted as things progress...