Nope, never to my face anyway! I've always had the 'your'e so quiet' comments all my life instead!
How Many Here Have Been Told They Are "Strange?"
by snowbird 62 Replies latest jw friends
yep....just guinea pigs are strange too.....there are 3 of them....all females....yet they just laid eggs.......mmmmmm.....guinea pig eggs and pasta shaped like string.....sluuuuuuurrrrrrrp
Pre-jw I was told I fit in quite nicely. I had lots of friends and my report cards all say I was a social butterfly.
The year Armageddon came we joined jws, the other kids began calling me "oddball". Still do.
I wonder why people think I'm strange? (I streaked naked by the KH this Morning! I'm freezing)
I like to get a little 'strange' every now and again. Does that count?
Strange, weird, name it, I've been called them and worse, mostly by people who have only known me for a few weeks. My real friends, who have been in my life for many years, embrace my strangeness and find it enduring. Screw everyone else!
Not to be contrarian, but to me, if a person isn't strange, they aren't interesting either.....
strange, unique, different.
Thanks to those who answered!
Hi, SweetFace!
Hello there, snowbird. I hope you are doing well. I am. :)
I am strange and rather proud.
Yeah, like that time you crashed your car and were convinced you were on fire? That was strange, but very entertaining. Did it hurt when you stabbed your leg?