From 'Everlasting Life' to just a few more years. How did you handle the realisation that you WOULD die?

by nicolaou 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BabaYaga

    Agreed, very good question, Nicolaou. This irony is this: Even the Witnesses who are still in are having to come to this realization.

    My beloved family who are still active Witnesses have realized that they are indeed growing old, and yes... bound to die in "this old system of things," after they were told they would not even finish grade school. Not surprisingly, they have no retirement fund, either. Promises, promises...

  • dinah

    Yeah it sucks to wake up in your 30's and realize you wasted your entire life so far.

    That was probably the hardest part of waking up, and also the part that makes me the most angry at the WT. "Is this life all there is" Well, yes you f*cktards! By the time I figured it out, I had already lived probably half my life.

    But I'm not bitter.

  • jws

    I was born a JW, but I don't think I ever really believed I'd live forever. Oh, I believed Armageddon was right around the corner, but I always thought I'd be one of the ones destroyed because I didn't like going to meetings or out in field service. I was happy for every year it didn't come and I got to grow older and to see and experience different things.

  • HintOfLime

    For some reason I never liked the idea of living forever anyway. It sounded kinda boring. Books always end at "and they lived happily ever after" because nothing interesting happens after that point... they don't go on and on about what "happily ever after" is like.

    So, when I realized I was going to die, I guess it kinda made sense. Untimely death aside, the planet is only so big, so when I'm 80 years old, slowing down, and my story is pretty much wrapped up.. I say give someone else there turn.

    Thinking you need to live forever is kinda selfish when you consider the billions of other people who will never even be born.

    - Lime

  • verystupid77

    To me it sucks. I am just learing that this was all a lie. I guess I am still somewhat in shcok. How could I have been so strupid. I grew up in it and I always thought Jehovah would destory me. But to know that it was all a lie is hard.

  • garybuss

    How did you handle the realisation that you WOULD die?
    I was glad. I had been laboring under the delusion that Jehoover was going to murder me for not doing better working for his printing company. Now I was going to get to live a life, get old, and die. I like it!

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I hope I'm wrong and that I won't be wasting any of my precious last moments in resentment and anger at some long-dead cult leaders.


    I think it's really good that you recognize the possibility of carrying resentment and anger to your deathbed. A year ago I witnessed my mother in her last dying 3 months. She believed for many years that she had "the truth" and would never grow old and die. And she was absolutely exuding resentment and anger in her last days. Especially her final month. Work out your feelings now. Get to a place of peace within yourself over this whole "mind-fuck" as you call it. If you don't you will end up just like my mother. Keep talking to all of us about it. We all need to rid ourselves of all the feelings we have toward the JWs. The more we vent , the better off we'll be and the happier we will be.

  • Mattieu

    As a born in and growing up with the promise of living forever and that I would never finish school/get a job/become a man/get married/have children and so on.......... it has left me feeling flat and disillusioned too. I turned 40 earlier this year and now find myself in the 40-50 age bracket when filling out forms! How depressing (no offense to anyone in the 50+ age braket, really!!)

    It's just that it wasn't supposed to go on this long, they promised! When I started my fade, wifey began saying I am going to die at the Big A (guilt trip thing), I said no, I am going to die in this system, like my children will and the next 10 generations will.

    Now though, I amstarting to deal with reality, soometing they never taught me growing up (hmm, that may explain my sense of humour)


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm still trying to come to grips with fleeting mortality. I've wasted much of my life for the corporation and will be wasting more trying to get free. It's disappointing. However, after spending over a decade at Beth-hell and drinking deeply of the "spiritual paradise", I realize that a world ruled by the GB of Botchtower Corporation would certainly not be a paradise.

    B the X

  • nicolaou

    Good advice Scarred for life

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