Ray Franz on Fear Among JWs

by compound complex 44 Replies latest social humour

  • mindmelda

    Demonizing or villifying anyone who dares to disagree with you is one of the 8 tools that cults use to brainwash.

    My parents are still practicing JWs although somewhat inactive, mainly due to age and health. But, I don't discuss my difference with them. They really want that New Order they've worked for most of their adult lives and I haven't the heart to wrest it from them with arguments they wouldn't believe anyway.

    I just...feel very sorry for the rank and file. They would just be horrified and run at hearing this, it wouldn't do much good at all.

    Realizing that this wasn't for me took me a very long time and it was very gradual. I had to have each piece of it wrested from me with a fight, and it's still a fight, because I still long for the "good stuff" sometimes. The feeling of belonging is the main thing for some people, even if they doubt a teaching or idea, they quickly put it out of their minds because it would endanger that.

  • independent_tre

    Excellent thread. I still sway back and forth between revealing my doubts ( what am I saying, they aren't even doubts anymore) or just keeping my mouth shut. It's getting very difficult to do the latter. -

    @mindmelda - you took the words right out of my mouth. My situation is similar and I wonder if it would even be worth the effort with my parents. And by the way --- Welcome, mindmelda! Looking forward to more of your posts.

  • willyloman

    "men and women who genuinely love God and his Son and his Word and who have
    conscientiously dissented from certain organizational laws or teachings have been
    robbed of their proper influence among friends and acquaintances, stripped of their good name
    and reputation, cheated of the affection and respect that they earned honestly by a whole
    lifetime of conscientious service to God and his fellow man..."

    This is exactly what happened to me when I walked away. However, I don't care. I take the loss with pride. And I am grateful to the organization for teaching me to be guided by my conscience - even if they didn't really mean it.

  • yesidid
    My situation is similar and I wonder if it would even be worth the effort with my parents.

    What we have to keep in mind is that many depend on their JW association as a support system.

    The only one they have!

    If young people lose their support system they can find another, but when you are older and don't get out as much

    or mix in the community, how do you replace that support system?

    Sometimes it is kinder to let older ones enjoy their remaining years, comfortable and at peace.


  • BabaYaga
    MindMelda said: Demonizing or villifying anyone who dares to disagree with you is one of the 8 tools that cults use to brainwash.

    Perfectly stated! Indeed... very sad, but that is what we are dealing with, here.

    Oh, and welcome, MindMelda!

  • Pistoff

    "My son was in a JC, admitted to his problems and regretted he had not been able to overcome them.After the part were they tell you , you have returned to your vomit and are Df'd , he made the fatal statement, "he would continue to read his Bible & pray to Jehovah for help on his own". Apparently that thought needed silencing. The phone calls started immediately warning us and others in the congregation he was possessed , speaking as from the demons & apostate. At the time he was a troubled teen, but not apostate."

    I cannot tell you how enraged this makes me. The elders VICTIMIZE teenagers, first by calling them into a JC meeting; then asking out of bounds questions about sexual practices, and then instead of reassuring them they are normal and will get it sorted out, they kick them to the curb.

    And what they said about your son? THAT my friend is slander; if I were you and could prove it, I would sue them into oblivion. Their grand children would be still paying on their legal bills.

    If you are an active witness or not, do everything in your power to help your son. Listen to him, help him get counseling if he needs it. He has just been emotionally abused for being human.

  • mindmelda

    This behavior simply smacks of fear. It's the fear of losing control of members. Another symptom that you are dealing with a cult mentality.

  • snowbird

    This is a very, very good thread.


  • Johnny

    "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." - 1John 4:18 NIV

    Many people enter the "Organization" because they are attracted by so-called love. Then , when they realize that it really is NOT love, they are restrained by FEAR.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, my dear friends, for your wonderful insights.

    Since I have determined that a life lived in fear is a life half-lived and want no further part of an emotionally crippling lifestyle [thank you, Jesus and Strictly Ballroom], I am a new man.

    I love you all,


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