Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said: You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable.

    What is this:

    I'm going to be contravercial and say this it is obvious your mother has made a choice not only to see you(((( but to agree with you so I'm betting she was also df-d for apostasy,)))) you yourself admitted she is happily meeting well known apostates. Was she also openly telling Witnesses around her about your viewpoint on gb, bethel etc?

    If she keeps going to meetings and makes a stand to show that shunning and df-ing for meeting family is wrong then I will admire your mum. If you think a part of the Jw's wrong then you remain a Jw and try to change it however long it takes. If your stand is true and just.

  • mrsjones5

    "Reniaa said: You will not find me ever speculating negatively about people's personal lifes on here as a debate technique it's just dishonourable."

    I'm sorry but that is a lie, I've seen Reniaa do just what she claims to have not done on this board. But she could be suffering from short term memory loss...I've seen that happen to her too.

  • jws

    Why not let couples be alone unchaperoned? You can ask them whether they had sex afterwards and if they say no and there weren't two witnesses to say otherwise, then you can be sure it didn't happen - just like the JW beliefs with pedophiles. If they both admit they did and aren't sorry, you can DF them and keep your congregation clean.

    Reniaa, the scriptures do speak against immorality. But it is your responsibility to train your mind to not let that happen. If you can't be put to the test, you're not really following the scriptures, are you?

    The scriptures also speak against things like theft. Does somebody need to follow you around everyplace there's things you can steal? Is a chaperone constantly accompanying you to work to make sure you don't steal pens and PostIt notes?

    This is as horrible as George W. Bush's pre-emptive strikes. In both cases, you're assuming a wrong WILL BE committed and taking action instead of waiting to see what will actually be done and punishing (if need be) later.

    The JWs need to be unchaperoned even more than more liberal people. I've seen so many JW couples get married just because they wanted sex. They didn't get to know each other. They weren't even old enough to know who they were. Then they end up miserable in a marriage.

    At the very least, JWs should get to really know the other person first (and I'm not talking sexually). They should know what they like, what they don't, how intelligent are they, how controlling is the other person, etc, etc, etc. A chaperone inhibits getting to know somebody. You don't want to get personal about yourself with some other dude sitting next to you hearing it all. Already in dating, people are on their best behavior. And they're not going to relax with somebody else there looking over their shoulder. They need some freedom.

  • drwtsn32
    You may thing what I said to her was an attack on her.

    I was thinking of another poster, not you. ;)

    And I certainly wasn't agreeing with her part that she is blameless in that regard!

  • winstonchurchill

    JWS: "Why not let couples be alone unchaperoned? You can ask them whether they had sex afterwards and if they say no and there weren't two witnesses to say otherwise, then you can be sure it didn't happen - just like the JW beliefs with pedophiles."


    All I'll add from a looooooot of cases I've dealt with, is that by the "chaperone rule" couples get used to never being alone, and when they happen to be alone (believe me, it'll happen) the situation is so new, so weird, so awkward, they don't know how to handle it, and it often leads them to do what they didn't intend to do initially. It's kind of and adrenaline rush that posseses them.

  • isaacaustin

    no problem drwtsn :) all is well here.

  • isaacaustin

    and Reniaa has run away....

  • sir82

    Yep, and that's the end of the reniaa posts. She gets caught red-handed in an obvious lie and scampers off never to be seen in this thread again.

  • isaacaustin

    ...only to reappear in another thread bringing up the same points she has brought up elsewhere that have been refuted

  • BonaFide

    I have served on a lot of judicial committees. Occasionaly there are situations where a brother and sister are alone, and something does happen sexually.

    I did used to think as the Society says, that never be alone with a member of the opposite sex or you may be tempted and sin. When I was in Bethel they have a rule where you cannot be in a room with a member of the opposite sex unless the door is wide open.

    But things do happen occasionally because Witnesses are repressed sexually. And when two JW's make "plans" with each other, whatever the reason, knowing they will be alone, that sometimes is an invite for some excitement.


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