why?........is it therapy or revenge?....or wanting to save others from the real truth?..what else is there?...........i feel all three...and why do i so want to help others...does not evryone have a right to their own belief?.......oompa
so why do we do this???
by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends
does not evryone have a right to their own belief?.......
It depends. If that "belief" translates into actions that harm children, the answer is 'No!'.
This particular cult is killing babies.
Black Sheep
They want to take away my right to take away their right to take away my right to take away their rights.
It's a war
oompa... I feel the same. Yes, there is more. I feel a need to protect people, to help those less fortunate. I feel a need to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to the growth of the human spirit. I believe these are traits of a true Christian as well as a true Muslim as well as a true Buddist etc... Am I being directed by the Holy Spirit? The Bible says Yes. I believe so as well because of the feeling inside. I feel myself growing as well. I believe if you look at the holy books from other faiths you would see the same ideology.
What we do to others, we are doing to ourselves. The only scenario that works for all of us is Win-Win. In all other cases, someone or everyone loses.
Yes, everyone has the right to their own belief as long as they uphold Win-Win. If this is not present, then the belief is NOT principled and needs to be altered or dealt with.
Is the WTS a Win-Win organization? In my opinion, they are not. Comments? Heaven
I think the best thing here is the cyber friends we all make, having come from a similar background. And there is a definite support aspect to those not deemed trolls...
Actually, I am very torn, I wish I could just forget all about it, but I haven't figured that part out yet...
I think people come to this site for different reasons. Some want to find out if there are others that have doubts like they do, and when they read about those people then they see a little hope for themselves. Then they are looking for ammunition to fuel their own changing opinions and further to get ammo to alter the perceptions of family, friends, ect that are still in. Some looking for the latest scoop from within the org, hoping to see the signs of imminent collapse, finally completely justifying the decision they made to leave. Some, i'm sure stay around long after they are totally over it all to help answer the questions of others, and some for the social interaction with people they will automatically have at least one thing in common with. An finally and regretfully, those who like to mess with peoples heads, and internet forums are like playing a role playing game...but instead of a magic sword they just write stuff to be inflammatory. My observations thus far anyways. ofo
does not evryone have a right to their own belief?.......oompa
Responsible adults have a right to their own beliefs. But dubs are not responsible adults -- they are potential (and in many cases, actual) killers of their own children should a medical emergency arise in which a blood transfusion is needed for survival. Dubs are irrational, mind-controlled, and a danger to themselves and their children.
So many posters say "move on; it's all in the past now." But that's the problem -- it's not in the past. Atrocities are still being committed every day by dubs -- killing children by proxy, child molestation, and just plain old mind-control (very harmful to children's emotional well-being).
oompa, any action fueled by revenge will backfire. If it provides therapeutic effects for you, that's okay. But the primary reason should stem from compassion. I've been out of the WTS for 30 years. I still get angry at the WTS, and elders, but I would hope my efforts to help my still-imprisoned dubs family members would center on their well-being, not mine.
Barbie Doll
Yes People have the right to there belief. They come here for different reasons.
Some time they ask for help, does it mean you will not help them?
Everyone has thier own reasons...............Check your PM`s.....................................OUTLAW.
and why do i so want to help others...does not evryone have a right to their own belief?.
Of course everyone has a right to their own belief. But the problem with cult members is that the beliefs they have aren't really their own. Think about the damage that is caused by people being ensnared by the WB&TS: deaths for refusing blood transfusions, suicides by those who were made unstable by the constant mental cruelty, the breaking up of families, the cover ups of child molestation and domestic violence...Jesus, any normal person would want to get their family and friends out of such a mess!