so why do we do this???

by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    I just come here to argue.


  • creativhoney

    fair enough - i get fed up of arguing sometimes i want a bit of peace lol x

  • Kudra

    I take being on this forum as a form of mild therapy. I enjoy the stories and anecdotes about everyone's life as a JW.

    Reading everything here puts a positive spin on having been a JW, it allows me to have a laugh at my (our) expense.


  • oompa

    i have been here for so many reasons...i cant even count them all......but far more than have been listed so far.......obviously it was not one reason.....i have many cause i have many issues.....i am just so glad simon kept this thing going......sometimes it just helps so much to know that others with similar rearing, backgrounds, current problems.......can relate.......cause with my few new friends of non dubs.....well.......they just cant really relate..........oompa

  • Hopscotch

    oompa of the dots.....thank you for asking us this.

    I lurked on here for quite a while last year when we made the decision to actually look at 'apostate' sites and see what we could find out. This was after hubby and I had pretty well decided after 40 years that we were leaving the WT. So we came to this forum and were shocked by the info we found out such as the UN thing, the pyramids and Russell etc etc. Then we read the stories of mistreatment etc by the WT and were disgusted. Then I found out that I was normal for thinking the way I had been - that I wasn't spiritually sick or demonised etc etc - hundreds and thousands felt the same way about the organisation. Then when my family gave me an ultimatum - return to JW's or they would shun me - I came looking for help in what to say. Then after they cut me off - it was for support. Reading that so many others were going through the same was a comfort. Now reading the posts on here and another JW forum and somtimes posting helps me vent my anger and disgust at an organisation that tears apart close families. Also it gives me hope of building a normal happy life after over 40years as a witness. It's a good deprogramming tool.


  • gubberningbody

    I didn't read everything, but the answer which has probably already been given in in full is that this entity stole from us and is continuimg to steal from people we care about. All that's being done here is talk. How about we get everyone's list of emails they have and sent the complete list as blind copies all the scripturally incorrect things which are being done and have been done by this organization?

    I've been looking into the costs associated with commercials on TV and other areas, like billboards and the like.

    The more people in general know about this entity the better.

    Advertise, advertise, advertise who really is the king and who is not and what organization is not.

  • oompa
    oompa hit a homerun imo....."hundreds and thousands feld the same way about the org."....ya.....we are not FREAKS!....we are not alone!!........that is such a help.....and also the "support" "we are not alone!" far ...the best "deprogramming tool" i have more already.......oompa

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Oompa-----WHY DO YOU DO THIS?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    This is free therapy. NOBODY outside this organization can believe the shit they do to us...and to each other. And what they REEEEALLY think about those people at those doors.

    And if I save even ONE PERSON from going through the hell I have...every second of the last 12 years of fighting the borg was worth it.

  • BonaFide

    This site saved my life. I was brought up in the truth, I believed all of it. I studied, read the Bible 5 times. (NWT) I became a pioneer at 16, MS at 20. I went to MTS, became a missionary. I stayed single. After that I served in Bethel. I suffered terrible guilt when I made mistakes sometimes. I worried about my skills preaching. I stressed about giving talks and parts and judicial committee stuff. Elders school, C.O. visits, all of it was so hard. I thought I was happy, but every day was so hard.

    Then one day brother Charles Velours, the District Overseer, at the Circuit Assembly, said: I know we are all tired. I wake up exhausted every day. But we have to keep going.

    I realized then I wasnt the only one.

    Then, after some other events I mentioned, I came on here. This site has helped me so much. It was terrible at first, all those emotions and anger and regret about a wasted life. Or some of it wasted anyway. Wow.

    So I need to read others experience on here, that helps me. And I want to help others get out, so I want to figure out the best way.

    Yep, this site is FANTASTIC.


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