so why do we do this???

by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga
    WuzLoves said: This is free therapy. NOBODY outside this organization can believe the shit they do to us...and to each other. And what they REEEEALLY think about those people at those doors.

    And if I save even ONE PERSON from going through the hell I have...every second of the last 12 years of fighting the borg was worth it.

    I just thought this needed reiterating.

    And Dear Bonafide...

    This site saved my life.

    ...that nearly made me cry.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Bonafide, I know Bro. Velours :)

    When I was getting ready to be baptized in 1985, I was living with the Congregation Overseer in Arlington Heights, ILL and his wife. Velours was going to be speaking at Janesville at the Circuit Assembly and was staying with us...which was HUGE at that time you know. Like GOD staying at the house. We stayed up listening to him tell stories and I hung on every word he said. I really liked the man, he seemed to me anyway, a gentle caring person. I was in awe of him. I had my picture taken with him at my baptism on June 1, 85.

    The JW world is nothing if not small you know?

    I am glad you are finally finding some peace. I personally dont believe God has "expectations" of us. I think we impose those untenable unreachable rules and limits on ourselves and it impairs us. I think God wants us to live and love and laugh and enjoy our lives. He doesnt need servants! He doesnt NEED for anything. Like the Bible says...if He wanted to he could make the rocks talk.

    love ya, LD

  • screwproof

    I was so afraid that Jehovah would cause something horrible to happen to me if I came here. Someone told me that it would not, so far, they are right. Someone also ask me, why would I want to serve a God that would punish me for wanting to make sure I was doing what he wanted of me, they made a very good point. How could they look at someone who had served Jehovah for as many years as a lot of us here, and think just because we questioned something it made us apostates? Do you think that maybe a lot of them have questioned things themselves inside, but never let it out as we have? When I was a the memorial with my mother this year, I kept noticing the speaker kept looking me in the eye, was this my imagination, or did he know something? I do not know, but I know it made me feel uneasy.

  • mouthy

    Probably was not looking at you love.
    That is you feeling guilty. Guilt is a very destructive force.
    Dont let it get a foothold.You are not doing anything wrong.
    Your examining all sides. the Creator gave you a brain
    to use... That seems to be what your doing screwproof.
    Good to have you expressing yourself. That is what we all do here

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