WT Society's Skewed View of Speaking Truth - June 15th Witness Only WT

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Once again our lurking JW friend sent us a copy of the June 15th " witness only " Watchtower. All I can say is that the WT society sure knows how to compartmentalize and pick and choose how they view truth and honesty. I'll share some of these " golden nuggets " and see what you think.

    On page 17 of the article " Speak Truth With your Neighbor " it states, " Does being truthful with others mean we must disclose every detail to whoever asks us a question ? Not necessarily . While on earth, Jesus demonstrated that some people are undeserving of a direct answer or of certain information. " ( It cites the scripture where Jesus won't tell religious leaders where he got his authority. ) The WT continues, " He ( Jesus ) did not feel obligated to answer the question in view of their corrupt practices and faithless example . Similarly today, Jehovah's people need to be on guard against apostates and other wicked men who use trickery or cunning for selfish purposes . " ( Governing body perhaps ? ) Notice the easy way they mind control the rank and file witnesses to se that being apostate automatically makes a person " corrupt and faithless " . Or cunning and selfish ". So in the WT society's eyes " they don't deserve the truth " !

    In this next paragraph notice the bait and switch technique to justify trusting the elders to tell the truth - but not other people in the witnesses. It mentions that some gossip and meddle in people's affairs . It states, " Yes, those who pry into the affairs of others or those who cannot be trusted to keep a confidence may find that others are reluctant to share personal information with them. " NOW NOTICE THE BAIT AND SWITCH . It continues, " At times, however, congregation elders may need to ask questions about personal matters in order to carry out their assigned duties. In such a case, our cooperation in speaking truth is much appreciated and is a great help. " Translation : The elders have the right to know what goes on in rank and file members personal lives - you don't. Elders can be trusted - rank and file members cannot be trusted.

    Now in this final point - notice how the article minimizes lying about others in the congregation and how the elders are instructed to handle it. They certainly don't view it as serious as fornication or adultery ! Check this quote out ! Paragraph 12 states , " Elders work diligently to protect the congregation from those who tell malicious lies . A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone ; it's purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress . It involves more than making petty , misleading statements or exaggerating the facts. Of course , all lying is wrong , but NOT EVERY CASE OF UNTRUTHFULNESS REQUIRES JUDICIAL ACTION. Hence, elders need to use balance , reasonableness , and good judgment when determining if a person who has made statements that are untrue has established a pattern of deliberate , malicious lying that would require judicial action. OR WOULD FIRM, LOVING ADMONITION FROM THE SCRIPTURES SUFFICE ? " Wow. So I guess when Revelation spoke about lying being the same in God's eyes as fornication and adultery - in the WT society's view - lying is nothing more than a petty sin just requiring " loving admonition ". Go ahead smear your brothers and sisters good name in the dirt with lies ! O.K. to lie about child abuse ? Fine. O.K. to lie about wrongs happening in the congregation - especially if elders are committing the wrongs ? Fine . You'll just get a little counsel is all . Ick.

    So - Anyway this was the latest spiritual indigestion or grub the rank and file are being served ! As always I look forward to any takes , comments or observations ! Thanks

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Yes, those who pry into the affairs of others or those who cannot be trusted to keep a confidence may find that others are reluctant to share personal information with them. "

    But aren't people encouraged to disclose such information about others to the elders? So they shouldn't pry into the business of others, but should run straight to the elders when they learn their dirty secrets. Rather a contradiction, I would say.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Well at least this is consistent with what they've said in the past. What is amazing is that they have to be so stinkin' legalistic about everything. Why not just discuss plain old honesty, the need for it and why it is essential for peaceful human relations. You know, the gist of the scripture in the title. Leave all the exceptions to individual issues that come up. And as for trickery and cunning, let us not forget all of their trickery and cunning on a whole host of issues.

  • ziddina

    Wow... Thanks for having the strength of stomach to post that, Mr. Flipper... I'm dumbstruck. I'll never understand how it is the WTBTS can make such comments and not see their own behavior reflected there, as in: "A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone ; it's purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress ."

    As in the WTBTS lying about 1975, and then lying about having lied about it... And other lies, especially as you pointed out, the lies to protect child molesters...

    Zid Good post, BTW - I enjoy your posts!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Flipper, in my opinion, the higher up you go in the borg, and the longer you stay, the bigger the liar you become.... That might as well be the theme principle of the GB "Do not share truth to those whom we don't believe its owed...."

  • asilentone

    This is utter bullshit! Flipper, I would like for the public to know this! Maybe you can put copies of it on the windshields at the local grocery store parking lot. There is a good possibility of some people questioning JW about this, I bet they (JWs) will have very hard time explaining this. I also would like for others to do it anywhere too. I would not do it because I have JW family living nearby, I would not take the risk of getting caught.

  • ThomasCovenant


    This seems quite reasonable to me though.

    ''elders need to use balance , reasonableness , and good judgment when determining if a person who has made statements that are untrue has established a pattern of deliberate , malicious lying that would require judicial action.''

    Who of us never lies?

    I don't.


    Thomas Covenant

  • carla

    Thomas, how can you defend this? From all the stories I have read over the years it is the elders who decide what is 'malicious' or not. That would depend greatly upon who you are in the kh and what your standing is. When I tell people that it is actually a doctrine within jw's that condones lying they are dumbfounded! They can usually come up with all kinds of scenarios that by wt standards they could rationalize away any lying. Furthermore, I know from first hand experience that r & f, ms and elders encouraged my jw to lie outright to me, his wife. Wrap up all your lies in God and you can do anything.

    'Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.'-Voltaire

  • betterdaze

    Thanks SO much flipper! If anyone has a scan of this article, it would be much appreciated.

    He ( Jesus ) did not feel obligated to answer the question in view of their corrupt practices and faithless example .

    You can withhold critical information from anyone "faithless" — anyone not JW. Including doctors, employers, family members and police authorities, who have a name for it: Obstruction of Justice.

    At times, however, congregation elders may need to ask questions about personal matters in order to carry out their assigned duties. In such a case, our cooperation in speaking truth is much appreciated and is a great help.

    Assigned duties, or witch hunts? And yes, ladies, you must co–operate with por'ne'a investigations in great detail. Tell Elder Pervy all about it! It's his assigned duty from the Slave to "probe" these matters.

    Hence, elders need to use balance , reasonableness , and good judgment when determining if a person who has made statements that are untrue has established a pattern of deliberate , malicious lying that would require judicial action.

    And that pattern would include:

    The 607 BCE "lie", the Watchtower Society's whoring with the United Nations and other government agencies "lie", the pedophile "lie", the rewriting the NWT bible to fit doctrine "lie", the assembly fundraising "lie."

    So if you learn something at school or on the Internet, or a co-worker or Catholic cousin Bob, or a householder tells you something that doesn't fit with "present truth" — better STFU or get disfellowshipped.

  • WTWizard

    I believe the public has the right to know the whole deal before they join. Suppose I get a credit card under the premises that there was a fixed 5.9% interest rate that would only go up to 21.9% if I went delinquent in my payments (so far, so good). Then, once I get the card, after a month or so, I get charged interest on a balance that isn't there (nothing of the sort was mentioned). I later find out that there is a minimum balance of $1,000 and, if I didn't charge that amount, I would be charged that amount plus interest on it anyway (plus I could get my credit rating trashed if I dare use another charge card or recommend another card).

    Now, what kind of a credit card deal would that be? Yet, the witlesses are even worse--they trash your family life, your hope for living after death (or surviving Armageddon), and your whole life. They bust up marriages (and prevent certain people from ever finding anyone). If I don't do a minimum of field circus time, they hound me. If I miss a boasting session, they hound. And they presume that I am out selling drugs and shooting cops while I am actually displaying "sun worship" lights and posting on these boards.

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