6/15 WT- GB More Powerful than Worldwide Anointed- Don't Judge Partaking

by flipper 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    This article will prevent them from wanting to take on an even more prominent role perhaps??? More like the GB recognising that yes, the number of partakers is going to increase, but you are not special or powerful, only us GB’s are all powerful (insert mad insane power drunk laugh here).

    Or it could be that this elder is climbing up, up, up and wants to be on the Governing Body in the future, and sees this as a stepping stone to getting there. What better way to be considered....he's been on every committee and sub-committee, AND he's annointed!!!

  • flipper

    MATTIEU- I bet with the new information lots and lots of elders, circuit overseers and district overseers who have been in the organization for many years will start partaking. Who knows- perhaps many of these C.O.s and D.O.s will start wanting to reach out for GB positions and knock off Jaracz or something. Stranger things have happened in this crazy cult.

    GUBBERNING BODY- Pretty cool Gubber. I like your rap style interpretation of scripture ! Livens things up ! LOL! But yeah, your point is well taken - it doesn't matter WHAT anybody does in the organization - lots of em will be claiming to be of the anointed

  • flipper

    QUANDRY- Yeah, that's what I was thinking too - exactly what you stated. This guy he mentioned seems to be position hungry and a power seeker so he's probably doing the stairstep climb to spiritual fame ! LOL! We should all be so lucky ! Not

  • heathen

    I see it's just another CYA . I study with an "anointed" one that does make up his own beliefs and he gets very offended whenever I ask if it's an opinion or what the WTBTS says , I swear you should listen in on some of this stuff , he says he never speaks his own opinion but did not confer whether it's WT teaching .

  • BonaFide


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I seem to remember hearing that Russell came up with the belief that only 144k would go to heaven when their numbers were very small. Their numbers kept growing so that in Rutherford's time there were about 200k partaking so they had to come up with something else so he invented the other sheep class that would not partake or go to heaven.....problem solved.

    When I was in the WT people that partook were looked down on and ridiculed if they hadn't been in the WT since the 1930's or so.

    Like most of their strange doctines I don't think most of the witnesses have thought them through or else they would be wondering why these "annointed ones" aren't getting together to making great spiritual decisions and writing the WT books and magazines.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder what happened to the million or so Christians during the first century. You cannot tell me that, between 36 AD and now, there were only 144,000 that qualify for heaven when the growth strongly suggested that there were more than that between 36 and 98 AD. Plus, I wonder if everyone between 98 and 1872 was of the earth bound class. Something doesn't add up--and, if there is another wave of incoming anointed, it is only going to take the total even farther above 144,000. I can't wait until there is a report of 144,001 partaking.

    On top of that, they list certain independent thinkers as "anointed". Galileo, Copernicus, and Newton are listed as being in heaven in their speculation. Trouble is, if any one of them were in today's world, they would certainly not be interested in the cancer. If they were born in, chances are that they would all have been disfellowshipped before they reach age 18. Anointed? Hardly.

  • passwordprotected

    If Jehovah's Witnesses want to have a centralised, governing body that oversees their massive world-wide preaching campaign, then so be it. A spade should be a spade; the Witnesses are centrally governed, get over it.

    That's the attitude the Governing Body should take, isn't it? "This is what we do, so suck it up."

    However, in my opinion they should open up the partaking of the bread and the wine to all that attend. Thus they'd make themselves a teeny, tiny bit more Christian. And I tell you what, they'd win back some of my respect.

    It's fine if you want to control your membership as to how you direct your organisation; that's how organisations work, so let's put aside the whole (valid) argument about whether God is interested in using a man-made organisation today. However, no organisation has the right to meddle with what Christ says, and Christ says "keep doing this in remembrance of me", and "unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, you have no life in you". Everyone should be allowed to partake of the bread and wine without mystically associating themselves with one group or another.

    It shouldn't go unnoticed that the "anointed" and the "other sheep" are both now in the same category; they're both under the control of the Governing Body. That's the two distinct groups - the 9 men of the GB and everyone else, "anointed" and "other sheep" alike.

    So, the next logical step, should be that everyone partake of the emblems regardless of their 'hope'. Completely level the playing field. If everyone's taking the emblems, then the 144,000 finite number isn't an issue anymore. It's very easy to argue from Scripture that the 144,000 are actually the 'chosen ones'. Everyone partakes, but only 144,000 are chosen. How do you discern who's chosen and who isn't? Pifff, who can tell asides from God, so get over it already; nibble and sip.

    Two problems are sorted in one go. The ever-increasing number of partakers (doesn't matter anymore, everyone should partake, it's not directly related to the 144,000) and the "how near are we to the end" (well, only God know who the 'chosen ones' are, so it's anyone's guess, let's hunker down for another 40 years).

    Remember the end of 'The Life of Brian'? "I'm Brian!", "No, I'm Brian, and so is my wife!", etc etc. If everyone's partaking, the issue of the anointed, the "faithful and discreet slave" (now actually the Governing Body), the "other sheep" is so blurred that no one will be able to pick out one group from another....apart from the Governing Body.

    And that's all that matters to the Governing Body, after all, isn't it? Identify them for salvation.

  • truthsetsonefree

    They have been getting so much well thought criticism of the fact that they don't have any network of "anointed" like they implied over the years. Why Ray brought this out over twenty years ago. Its high time that they explained it. Its false logic of course. After all how do you represent a group when you have no clue who they are? Where they live? What their concerns are? But the gullible, controlled dubs will look the other way. Of course there will be the few who will see this for what it is....

    Isaac Carmignani

  • sir82

    My point is that I am sure that there are a number of powerbroker brothers like him that will come out of the woodwork and claim to be anointed.

    Yep - with the "unsealing of heavens door" from the 5/1/07 WT, and reinforcement in this WT, there's a new career path for ambitious JWs: the GB track.

    Used to be that if you began partaking of the emblems as a (relative) youngster, you were looked down upon, or at least viewed with suspicion.

    Now, all those type-A JWs who want to move up in the world can follow a path something like this:

    1) Teens: Pioneer

    2) 20's: Appointed as MS and/or invited to Bethel

    3) 30's: Appointed as elder; If not at Bethel, go to Gilead & then missionary work

    4) 40's: If missionary, invited to Bethel; appointment to important committees

    5) Late 40's: Begin to partake of emblems

    6) 50's: Appointment to GB

    Granted, there's only ever 8-18 GB positions, but for the truly ambitious (believe, they are out there) the path just opened up.

    Not so much different than the career path for a Harvard MBA or Ivy League Law graduate.

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