6/15 WT- GB More Powerful than Worldwide Anointed- Don't Judge Partaking

by flipper 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Flip, THis is how I always understood it.

    w04 3/1 p. 11 par. 15 A “Slave” Who Is Both Faithful and Discreet

    15 The fundamental spiritual food given in the first century proceeded directly from the pens of the apostles and other disciples who were taking the lead. The letters they wrote—especially those found among the 27 inspired books that make up the Christian Greek Scriptures—were circulated among the congregations and without doubt provided the basis for teaching by the local elders. In this way, representatives of the slave faithfully distributed rich spiritual food to sincere Christians. The first-century slave class proved faithful to its commission.*** w75 1/15 pp. 46-47 How Are Christians Spiritually Fed? ***

    Someone may ask, ‘How can the "slave," who is composed of the "domestics," feed the "domestics"? That would amount to the "slave" feeding itself.' This might be illustrated by a family that moves to a farm. One of their first needs is provision for food. Does the father provide all the food and put it into the mouths of the rest? No. Each family member performs a different task. One may do the plowing. Others may work to dig a well. Some engage in planting. Some take care of the cattle and the dairy. Of course, all may help in certain features of the work. Likely all would engage in the harvest. Then, the women would do canning for future feeding. They would cook and serve the food to the family. Now, no one individual could have provided so well. But with family effort, all are well fed. As a family they are one body, just as the "faithful and discreet slave." But as individuals they are workers in producing and serving food, as "domestics" in a household. A similar illustration given by the apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 is that of a physical human body and its members.

    This is how I remember it Flip. There were different aspects of the FDS. Not all were info providers, only those who served as "apostles" and not the grunts in the field. The idea of all FDS members writing the society with "New Light" was an urban myth as far as I knew, (A STRONG ONE THOUGH). What WT said they all provided information to be sorted out and published? I never read that. Not meaning to be obstinante or prove I'm right, I'm just showing why I never had that understanding. Of course I could have misunderstood.

    That was a subject that always bothered me. Why didn't they all have a part? This is the answer I found while studying it years ago. Peace out, Flipper respecter. W.Once

  • flipper

    WASANELDER ONCE- I'm not saying that all the anointed worldwide were said to provide " new light ". But what the WT society did say in their publications - either the Aid Book or Insight book I believe was that information and research that was printed in the WT publications was the result of input by the worldwide anointed around the globe which comprised part of the " faithful slave ". I can't give you an exact quote - as I dumped most of my WT society publications into the garbage bin over 5 years ago. But the WT society did state that somewhere in writing.

    The real key or point as I see it in this new June 15th Watchtower is that they are blatantly stating that the only " new light " or direction or instructions come from the governing body - basically 12 or so men- with NO input from the rest of the anointed on the planet. That is dangerous cult mind control at it's worst. To think almost 7 million people are controlled by 12 old geezers ? If witnesses knew what was good for them - they should be scared as hell. Can you say Jim Jones revisited ? Or David Koresh ? I'm scared for my witness relatives still in it

  • sspo

    So first off, notice this quote indicating the importance of elevating the governing body over the rest of the anointed around the earth. Paragraph 16 it states , " Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths ? NO. "

    Mr Flipper,

    If you check out the " Organized to do Jehovah's will" book " organization book" on page 17 1st par. you will notice that the GB reminds all of the JW's that just like the 1st century they don't have to consult the elders all over the world when making decisions.

    This is not a new thought as far as i can see, they have had always absolute authority over the brainwashed Jw's whether anointed or not.

    Let's hope a lightning will strike them all at the same time and the rank and file will finally get the drift that"Jehovah" is not with them.

    They have done tremendous damage to millions of people.

  • flipper

    SSPO- I'm sure you are correct ( as I don't have an organization book to verify ) that the GB stated they don't have to consult elders around the world to give out information or teachings to the masses. I accept that. But what I was referring to is I DID read in some publications either the Insight book or old Aid to Bible Understanding book that it distinctly said the society does get feedback and information contributed to them from around the world from the rest of the anointed and that the society did put some of that contributed information in their publications and used it at times. I'm not saying ALL the time - but they did say they used info from other anointed around the world. If I can find an old Aid book or Insight book I will try to find the quote.

    The bottom line like you say is the governing body is letting ALL their members know that they ARE in charge - whether members are anointed or not - and that a small amount of old men make the rules ( and their lawyers ) - and people better not forget that fact !! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This whole number of partakers and annointed nonsense was a "what the hell moment for me." This organization has been around too long for the numbers to work now. There are too many people partaking to make theur numbers work. History shows that the number of Christians in the 1st century numbered more than 144,000.

    I like the point made about the actual events regarding the manner of which this memorial was conducted. I can't imagine Christians in the 1st century conducting this solumn ceremony passing "emblems" back and forth, even if they were partaking.

  • yknot

    After reviewing past WT litertrash I must conclude they are only presenting the points as a whole.

    So thus the WTS seems to view apostates, critical qustioners, and anointed non-GB as the biggest threats. Once again they have missed the mark! The biggest threat is their history and continued culty leadership.

  • garybuss

    The repetitive tone of the last few years just shows that the current leaders aren't secure in their leadership roles. How many who have worked for someone else have had the experience of the boss telling employees every week that he's the boss?

    I worked for Sunshine over 8 years and George Sercil never once told me he was the boss. Why not? It was obvious! It was unmistakable. It's not unmistakable that the Jehovah's Witness governing body is boss of anything and they know it.

  • flipper

    WHA HAPPENED- Very true that the numbers partaking are way out of whack. It's almost like they are minimizing how many were of the anointed in the 1st century like you say. Before you know it- they may just get the entire 144,000 collected up in this 21st century. Then they'd really be in turd creek.

    YKNOT- Exactly. The biggest threat to the WT society is the cult leadership within themselves. But they are too proud and arrogant to admit it. Anybody that questions their absolute authority is looked at as a dissenter and trouble maker. It's what all cults do when they get insecure about losing more members.

    GARY BUSS- Very true what you say. The WT society IS insecure with their leadership or they wouldn't have to spout off about it constantly ! They are running scared in my opinion due to many rank and file witnesses educating themselves on the internet and finding out about the whole scam that is Jehovah's Witnesses. The next few years should be very interesting to watch

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump up this thread dealing with the absolute authority the GB is verbally stating even more so. Any and all comments appreciated

  • iknowall558

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